
Student Writing Intensive Course Level B

by Andrew Pudewa, Jill Pike Author


Additional Details

Resource Type
Notebook & Handouts
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
6th - 8th
Excellence in Writing


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
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  • 7
  • 8 Lesson 8: Create Story Sequence ouline of story 1--decide if you want to change characters and setting
  • 9 Begin writing story--finish first paragraph
  • 10 Write second paragraph
  • 11 Write third paragraph
  • 12 Read through story and edit using Composition Checklist
  • 13 Write story sequence outline of story 2
  • 14 Write first two paragraphs of story
  • 15 Write third paragraph and edit using checklist
  • 16 Print out final copies and put in binder
  • 17 Lesson 9: Create story sequence outline
  • 18 Begin writing story --finish first paragraph
  • 19 Write 2nd paragraph
  • 20 Write 3rd paragraph
  • 21 Edit story using checklist
  • 22 Create second story outline
  • 23 Write 1st and 2nd paragraphs
  • 24 Write 3rd paragraph & edit using checklist
  • 25 Print out final copies
  • 26 Lesson 10: Create story sequence outline
  • 27 Write 1st paragraph
  • 28 Write 2nd paragraph
  • 29 Write 3rd paragraph
  • 30 Edit with checklist
  • 31 Create second story outline
  • 32 Write 1st and 2nd paragraphs
  • 33 Write 3rd paragraph and edit
  • 34 Print final copies
  • 35 Lesson 11: Write paragraph on history of whales using outline created in class
  • 36 Edit paragraph using one column of Composition Checklist & Have Mom check
  • 37 Type paragaph
  • 38 Create 1-2 key word outlines on another topic or 2 about whales
  • 39 Write paragraph or two based on outline(s)
  • 40 Edit paragraph(s) using other column of Composition checklist
  • 41 Have Mom check, and print out final copies
  • 42 Lesson 12: Go to library and find some books about a single subject & scan for topics--choose 2-3
  • 43 Create key word outline about one topic
  • 44 Write paragraph on one topic about your subject using outline, edit using one column of checklist
  • 45 Have Mom check & type up/print out final copy
  • 46 Create 1-2 key work outlines on another topic or 2 about subject
  • 47 Edit using other column of checklist
  • 48 Have Mom check, and print out final copy
  • 49 Lesson 13: Rewrite a paragraph from Lessons 1-3 using the style learned thus far
  • 50 Edit the paragraph using one colum of checklist & have Mom check
  • 51 Rewrite another paragraph
  • 52 Edit
  • 53 Rewrite another paragraph
  • 54 Edit and print out all three
  • 55 Lesson 14: Create a key word outline based on one topic from your brain inventory
  • 56 Write paragraph from outline
  • 57 Edit paragraph using one column of checklist. Have Mom check
  • 58 Create two key word outlines based on two topics from brain inventory
  • 59 Write 1st paragraph from outline
  • 60 Write 2nd paragraph from outline
  • 61 Edit paragraphs using next two columns of checklist & have Mom check
  • 62 Print out paragraphs to hand in
  • 63 Lesson 15: Create key word outline based on another topic from brain inventory
  • 64 Write paragraph from outline
  • 65 Edit paragraph & have Mom check
  • 66 Create two key word outlines based on two topics from brain inventory
  • 67 Write 1st paragraph from outline
  • 68 Write 2nd paragraph from outline
  • 69 Edit paragraphs using remaining columns of Composition checklist
  • 70 Print out all paragraphs and hand in--You're Done!

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