Created for Work
by Bob Schultz Author
Modern culture seems addicted to ease and entertainment. It has produced a generation of educated yet often dishonest, unproductive,and weak-willed men. God desires higher standards for his people. He is looking for young men who do not shy awa from hard work, who are not afraid to get their hands dirty, who can follow directions, think creatively, respect authority, and happily complete their duties i a timely manner. These are the ones He is taining up to be future fathers, teachers and leaders.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-1-883934-12
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapers
- 32
- 1 art in your heart
- 2 confidence
- 3 dangers of the diligent
- 4 difficulty
- 5 dirt
- 6 the doorway to the heart
- 7 exit strategy
- 8 great-grandpa cornelius
- 9 grudges
- 10 increase
- 11 initiative
- 12 me own dog tucker
- 13 transported with delight
- 14 how could it be my fault
- 15 my instructor
- 16 the plumbline
- 17 prompltly after, but not before
- 18 sidstepping discouragement
- 19 keeping your word
- 20 the donut race
- 21 the making of a president
- 22 the morning song
- 23 the process
- 24 treasure in our box
- 25 understanding your boss
- 26 unemployed?
- 27 vision
- 28 what are you going to do
- 29 when mercy goes to work
- 30 you're rude
- 31 work witnin the rules
- 32 finish it
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