RIghtStart Mathematics-Red Lessons
by Dr. Joan A. Cotter Author
This is the Canadian Version of the Level A lessons. There are fewer lessons, as the American Standards are more extensive for this level than the Western Protocol for Kindergarten Math in Canada.
Additional Details
- 9781931980432
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 61
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 1st
- Publisher
- Activities for Learning, Inc.
- Copyright
- June 2010
- 1 Quantities 1 to 3
- 2 Quantities 1 to 4 & Sorting
- 3 Quantities 1 to 5 & Matching
- 4 Quantities 1 to 6 & Triangles and Quadrilaterals
- 5 Quantities 1 to 7
- 6 Quantities 1 to 8 & Ordering
- 7 Quantities 1 to 9 & Parallel Lines and Planes
- 8 Quantities 1 to 10
- 9 Concentration Games & Perpendicular
- 10 Writing Tally Marks & Patterning with Rectangles
- 11 Sorting Rectangles & Translating Quantities
- 12 Patterning & Making Rectangles with Tiles
- 13 Combining Tally Sticks & Writing 1 and 7
- 14 Quantities in Twos
- 15 Zero & Evens and Odds on the Abacus
- 16 Zero Game & More about Evens and Odds
- 17 Tens & Equilateral Triangles
- 18 Tens & the "Ten Triangle"
- 19 Determining Quantity and Eveness
- 20 Solving Problems & Patterning on Geoboards
- 21 Number Games
- 22 Partitioning 5
- 23 Part-Whole Circles & Recording Tens
- 24 Reading Tens & Solving Problems with Parts
- 25 The Term Plus & Combining Tens and Ones
- 26 Equations & Overlapping Tens and Ones
- 27 Folding Figures & Tens and Ones Game
- 28 Money & Reflections on Geoboards
- 29 Less Game & Reflections
- 30 Money & Estimating Quantities
- 31 Value of Coins & Introducing Half
- 32 Matching Amounts with Coins & Half of a Set
- 33 Grouping by 5s & Dozens
- 34 Matching Coins to Prices & Tally Mark Chart
- 35 Adding with Tally Marks
- 36 Ading with Tally Marks & Writing Equations
- 37 Adding with the Abacus
- 38 Counting with Tally Marks & More Adding
- 39 Tally Marks for COunting Stationary Objects & Adding 1
- 40 Parititoning Ten & Adding 1s
- 41 Partitioning Ten & Adding Concentration
- 42 Go to the Dump Game
- 43 Building Tens and Ones
- 44 Adding Tens and Ones
- 45 Counting by Tens & Making a Hundred Chart
- 46 Counting by Twos & Adding Tens
- 47 Counting Objects by Twos & Adding One
- 48 Adding Two
- 49 The Cumulative Law & Counting by Fives
- 50 Reviewing Tens and Ones & 1 Plus a Number
- 51 Counting with a Caluculator
- 52 Traditional Names for the Tens
- 53 Traditional Names for Tens and Ones & Partitioning 100
- 54 Reading Numbers & Partitioning Teens
- 55 Naming the Teen Names from 13 to 19
- 56 Naming the Numbers 11 and 12
- 57 Which is Longer?
- 58 Matching Lengths
- 59 Which is Heavier?
- 60 Measuring Volumes of Water
- 61 Solving Problems
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