Primary Language Lessons: A Beginning Guide to Grammar and Usage for the Early Elementary Student
by Emma Serl Author
(From Amazon): Primary Language Lessons is a beginning guide to grammar and usage for the early elementary student. It is entirely updated and improved from the original 1911edition. Living Books Press has created a lay-flat, write-in text. No need to have to rewrite the questions and assignments. It is all done for you. Within these pages you will find stories, poems, and pictures of fine art. Each lesson introduces principles of grammar and word use through question and answer, composition, memorization, oral presentation, and dictation. Serl recommended that Primary Language Lessons be used for the second half of grade 2 and grade 3, or ages 6 through 8. Primary Language Lessons has high quality literature and art to teach language and grammar. Serl's use of this method parallels the work of Charlotte Mason (1842-1923) who advocated high-quality literature as a pathway to learning. Miss Mason taught that children relish well-written, well-told books and model them in their speech and writing. By following this example, our children learn from great authors and artists rather than dry textbooks. What could be better?
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-0981809342
- Print Status
- In Print
- lessons
- 164
- Pages
- 258
- Suggested Grades
- 2nd - 3rd
- Publisher
- Living Books Press
- Copyright
- 2010
- 1 A Picture Lesson
- 2 For Copying and Dictation
- 3 Is - Are
- 4 Memorize If I Knew
- 5 Observation Lesson
- 6 For Dictation
- 7 Memorize A Secret
- 8 Copying Sentences
- 9 For Dictation - The Clouds
- 10 Reproduction - Oral
- 11 A Picture Lesson - A Pair: Proud Mother
- 12 Observation Lesson - A Cat
- 13 Composition
- 14 Conversation - The Care Of Pets
- 15 copying and Dictation - Use of To-Too-Two
- 16 Use of To-Too-Two
- 17 Reproduction - Oral The Lion and the Fox
- 18 Memorize Lady Moon
- 19 Correct Use of Was- Were
- 20 Correct use of Was-Were
- 21 Dictation and Oral Reproduction - Wheat
- 22 Observation - Trees
- 23 A Picture Lesson - Saved
- 24 Correct us of A - An
- 25 Correct us of A - An
- 26 Days of the Week
- 27 Composition - Oral or Written
- 28 Memorize The Swing
- 29 Sentences Illustrating "When?"
- 30 Composition
- 31 Picture Lesson - Oral and Written The Rabbit
- 32 Dictation There - Teir
- 33 Use of There - Their in Sentences
- 34 Dictation The Cat and the Mice
- 35 Dictation The Cat and the Mice (con't)
- 36 Sentences Illustrating "Where?"
- 37 Oral and Written Use of Has - Have in Sentences
- 38 Picture Study - The Escaped Cow
- 39 Observation - The Cow
- 40 Composition - Description
- 41 Composition - Sentences
- 42 The seasons and Months of the Year
- 43 Sentences Illustrating "What Month?"
- 44 Sentences Illustrating "What Season?"
- 45 Use of See - Saw - Seen in Sentences
- 46 Memorize The Brown Thrush
- 47 Composition - Reproduction
- 48 Composition Sentences Illustrating "How?"
- 49 Letter Writing
- 50 Letter Writing
- 51 Addressing Envelopes
- 52 Conversation - Preparation for Winter
- 53 A Picture Lesson - Shoeing The Horse
- 54 Dictation - Erito, The Eskimo Boy
- 55 Dictation (con't.)
- 56 Sentences Illustrating "Why?"
- 57 Memorize Dutch Lullaby
- 58 The Comma
- 59 Observation - Seeds
- 60 Reproduction - Oral and Written The Greedy Dog
- 61 Capital Letters - Names of Persons and Places
- 62 Observation - Materials
- 63 Initials
- 64 The Journey
- 65 Observation - What Color?
- 66 Letter Writing
- 67 Letter Writing
- 68 Memorize My Shadow
- 69 Reproduction - Oral The Wind and the Sun
- 70 Abbreviations
- 71 A Picture Lesson - Lions at Home
- 72 Dictation
- 73 Composition
- 74 Composition - A Story
- 75 Dates
- 76 Observation - Parts
- 77 Use of Eat - Ate - Eaten in Sentences
- 78 Memorize One, Two, Three
- 79 Dictation The WInd
- 80 One and More Than One
- 81 Reproduction - Oral and Written The Fox and the Crow
- 82 One and More Than One
- 83 Reproduction - Oral and Written Silk
- 84 Letter Writing - Original Letter
- 85 One and More Than One
- 86 Reading Lesson - Dialogue Forms of Pronouns
- 87 Choice of Words - Sentences
- 88 "Whose?" - Possessive Form
- 89 Use of Possessive Form in Sentences
- 90 Composition Sentences Illustrating "Whose?"
- 91 Memorize The Wonderful World
- 92 Use of Go - Went - Gone in Sentences
- 93 Reproduction - Oral The Lion and the Mouse
- 94 Composition - The Lion and the Mouse
- 95 Conversation
- 96 Contractions
- 97 Words Opposite in Meaning
- 98 Composition - Use of Opposite Words in Sentences
- 99 Composition - Autobiography
- 100 Reproduction - The Hummingbird and the Butterfly
- 101 Composition - Conversation
- 102 A Picture Lesson - Two Mothers
- 103 Observation - Tools
- 104 Memorize - November
- 105 Choice of Words in Sentences
- 106 Reproduction - Oral and Written
- 107 Correct use of Most - Almost in Sentences
- 108 Observation - Directions
- 109 Dictation - Insects
- 110 Reproduction - Oral The Fox and the Grapes
- 111 A Picture lesson - "Your're No Chicken"
- 112 Observation - Spiders
- 113 Conversation and Reproduction - The Ostrich
- 114 Memorize He Prayeth Best
- 115 Reproduction - Oral and Written Moth and Butterfly
- 116 Letter Writing
- 117 Letter Writing
- 118 Exclamation Point
- 119 Memorize The Bluebird
- 120 Composition - A Robin's Story
- 121 Quotations and Quotation Marks
- 122 Dictation - The Hare and the Tortoise
- 123 Dictation (con't.)
- 124 Reproduction - Oral and Written - An Indian Myth - The Origins of the Birds
- 125 Who Made the Stars?
- 126 A Picture Lesson - Soap Bubbles
- 127 Wool
- 128 An Answer to a Note of Invitation
- 129 Observation Tell
- 130 Reproduction - Oral and Written The Fox and the Stork
- 131 Memorize Discontent
- 132 Sentence - Statement - Question
- 133 Composition - How Arthur Helped
- 134 Reproduction - Oral and Written Saint Valentine
- 135 Observation Lesson - Oral and Written - Arrangement of Sequence
- 136 This- That- These- Those
- 137 Use of Words in Sentences
- 138 Letter Writing - Original Letter
- 139 Memorize - The Violet
- 140 A Picture Lesson - Feeding Her Birds
- 141 Reproduction - The Greek Myth of Narcissus
- 142 Choice of Words
- 143 Observation - Foods
- 144 Letter Writing - Original Letter
- 145 Letter Writing
- 146 Conversation
- 147 Memorize A Boy's Song
- 148 Information Lesson - Bees
- 149 Choice of Words
- 150 Reproduction - Oral and Written - The Golden Touch
- 151 Letter Writing An Original Note of Invitation
- 152 Use of Words in Sentences
- 153 Conversation - Animals
- 154 Letter Writing - Original Letter
- 155 Conversation Lesson - How Homes are Lighted
- 156 Reproduction - Oral and Written - The Myth of the Sunflower
- 157 Memorize - The Sandman
- 158 Use of Hasn't and Haven't in Sentences
- 159 Conversation - Birds
- 160 Letter Writing - Model Letter
- 161 A Picture Lesson - Anxiety
- 162 Copying and Dictation - Maxims and Proverbs
- 163 Composition
- 164 Memorize - Columbia, The Gen of the Ocean
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