
Bible Stories to Read


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  • 1 The Bible is From God
  • 2 God Created the World
  • 3 Adam and Eve Sin
  • 4 Cain and Abel Grow Up
  • 5 Noah and the Flood
  • 6 Abraham Has Faith in God
  • 7 Lot Chooses the Best Pastures
  • 8 Isaac is Offered
  • 9 Jacob and Esau are Twins
  • 10 Joseph and His Dreams
  • 11 Joseph's Dreams Come True
  • 12 Job Worships God
  • 13 Baby Moses in the Boat
  • 14 Moses Leads God's People
  • 15 God's People Travel
  • 16 Joshua is the Leader
  • 17 Gideon Obeys God
  • 18 Samson is Strong
  • 19 Ruth Loves Naomi
  • 20 Samuel Helps Eli
  • 21 Saul is the First King
  • 22 David is a Shepherd
  • 23 David Sits on the Throne
  • 24 Solomon Builds the Temple
  • 25 Two Kings Start to Rule
  • 26 God Helps Elijah
  • 27 God Punishes King Ahab
  • 28 Elijah Goes to Heaven
  • 29 Elisha Helps Others
  • 30 Jonah is Called to Preach
  • 31 Two Good Kings Trust God
  • 32 Jeremiah Speaks God's Words
  • 33 Four Friends Remember God
  • 34 Daniel Prays to God
  • 35 Queen Esther Saves Her People
  • 36 God's People Go Home
  • 37 Two Special Babies
  • 38 A Bright Star Shines
  • 39 Jesus Goes to the Temple
  • 40 John and Jesus Obey God
  • 41 Jesus Chooses His Disciples
  • 42 Friends Help a Sick Man
  • 43 The Sick Man at the Pool
  • 44 A Storm Obeys Jesus
  • 45 The Daughter of Jairus
  • 46 Jesus Feeds Many People
  • 47 The Kind Samaritan
  • 48 Mary, Martha and Lazarus
  • 49 God Loves Every Person
  • 50 The Ten Lepers
  • 51 Jesus Blesses the Children
  • 52 Zacchaeus Climbs a Tree
  • 53 The Last Supper
  • 54 Jesus Died on the Cross
  • 55 Jesus Goes Back to Heaven
  • 56 Peter Has Power to Heal
  • 57 The Church Prays for Peter
  • 58 Paul Preaches and Travels
  • 59 Paul Writes Letters
  • 60 Our Happy Home in Heaven

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