
My First Hands-On Bible

(From Amazon): My First Hands-On Bible is the preschooler version of the popular Hands-On Bible, which has sold over a half million copies. Jesus taught with hands-on lessons and illustrations; My First Hands-On Bible uses the same experience-based learning to communicate God's Word in an active, understandable way. My First Hands-On Bible is a fun and simple yet meaningful way to engage preschool, pre-K, and K children (ages 3-6) with the Bible while helping them build a solid faith foundation. Each lesson focuses on a specific Bible point through a variety of activities in order to reinforce and help young children remember the stories and lessons. Using common household items, you can help your children have a "hands-on" learning experience while engaging them in 85 key stories from the Bible. My First Hands-On Bible doesn't just retell the Bible stories; it also includes actual Scripture from the easy-to-understand and easy-to-read Holy Bible, New Living Translation. In addition to the stories and activities, there are fun illustrations, prayers, and a special Jesus Connection feature.


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Bible stories
Tyndale Kids

Bible stories

  • 1 God creates the world
  • 2 God creates people
  • 3 Adam and Eve's sin
  • 4 Noah and the flood
  • 5 God's rainbow promise
  • 6 The tower of Babel
  • 7 God's promise to Abraham
  • 8 Isaac is born
  • 9 Jacob tricks Esau
  • 10 Joseph's colorful coat
  • 11 Joseph's brothers get mean
  • 12 Joseph forgives his brothers
  • 13 God protects baby Moses
  • 14 Moses and the burning bush
  • 15 God parts the Red Sea
  • 16 The ten commandments
  • 17 The 12 spies explore
  • 18 Balaam's talking donkey
  • 19 Jericho's falling walls
  • 20 Gideon's sign from God
  • 21 Ruth stays with Naomi
  • 22 Boaz helps Ruth
  • 23 Samuel hears God
  • 24 David wins
  • 25 Jonathan and David are friends
  • 26 Ravens feed Elijah
  • 27 God feeds a widow
  • 28 Elijah shows God's power
  • 29 God heals Naaman's leprosy
  • 30 Josiah fixes the temple
  • 31 Esther becomes queen
  • 32 Queen Esther saves the Jews
  • 33 The Lord is my Shepherd
  • 34 The fiery furnace
  • 35 Daniel and the lion's den
  • 36 Jonah runs away
  • 37 Jonah and the stormy sea
  • 38 A fish swallows Jonah
  • 39 Jonah goes to Nineveh
  • 40 An angel appears to Mary
  • 41 An angel appears to Joseph
  • 42 Jesus is born
  • 43 Shepherds hear about baby Jesus
  • 44 Wise men visit Jesus
  • 45 Jesus goes to the temple
  • 46 Jesus as a boy in the temple
  • 47 Jesus is baptized
  • 48 Jesus is tempted
  • 49 Jesus calms a storm
  • 50 Jesus walks on water
  • 51 Jesus' face shines
  • 52 Jesus loves children
  • 53 The rich man talks to Jesus
  • 54 Jesus heals a blind man
  • 55 Jesus heals a man who couldn't walk
  • 56 Jesus heals Jairus's daughter
  • 57 The Good Samaritan
  • 58 Mary and Martha visit with Jesus
  • 59 The sheep and coin are found
  • 60 A son runs away
  • 61 Jesus heals 10 lepers
  • 62 Jesus and Zacchaeus
  • 63 Jesus feeds more than 5,000
  • 64 Jesus is the Good Shepherd
  • 65 Jesus heals Lazarus
  • 66 Jesus rides a donkey
  • 67 Jesus washes the disciples' feet
  • 68 The Last Supper
  • 69 Jesus prays in the garden
  • 70 Jesus dies on a cross
  • 71 Jesus comes back to life
  • 72 Thomas doubts Jesus
  • 73 Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish
  • 74 Jesus goes to Heaven
  • 75 The Holy Spirit
  • 76 Peter and John heal a lame man
  • 77 Early Christians share
  • 78 Philip tells the Ethiopian about Jesus
  • 79 Saul's blinding light
  • 80 Peter's prison escape
  • 81 Paul and Silas in prison
  • 82 Paul's shipwreck
  • 83 A snake bites Paul
  • 84 Life in Heaven
  • 85 Jesus will come back

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