
The Story of Greece (Yesterday's Classics)

(From Amazon): Stories from the history of ancient Greece beginning with mythical and legendary stories of gods and heroes and ending with the conquests of Alexander the Great. Gives short accounts of battles and sieges, and of the men who made Greece a great nation. Suitable for ages 10 and up.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
4th - 12th
Geographical Setting
Ancient Greece
Yesterday's Classics


  • 1 Wonderland
  • 2 The Great God Pan
  • 3 The Six Pomegranate Seeds
  • 4 The Birth of Athene (Athena)
  • 5 The Two Weavers
  • 6 The Purple Flowers
  • 7 Danae and Her Little Son
  • 8 The Quest of Perseus
  • 9 Andromeda and the Sea-Monster
  • 10 Acrisius Is Killed by Perseus
  • 11 Achilles and Briseis the Faircheeked
  • 12 Menelaus and Paris Do Battle
  • 13 Hector and Andromache
  • 14 The Horses of Achilles
  • 15 The Death of Hector
  • 16 Polyphemus the Giant
  • 17 Odysseus Escapes from the Cave
  • 18 Odysseus Returns to Ithaca
  • 19 Argus the Hound Dies
  • 20 The Bow of Odysseus
  • 21 The Land of Hellas
  • 22 Lycurgus and His Little Nephew
  • 23 Lycurgus Returns to Sparta
  • 24 The Training of the Spartans
  • 25 The Helots
  • 26 Aristomenes and the Fox
  • 27 The Olympian Games
  • 28 The Last King of Athens
  • 29 Cylon Fails to Make Himself Tyrant
  • 30 Solon Frees the Slaves
  • 31 The Athenians take Salamis
  • 32 Pisistratus Becomes Tyrant
  • 33 Harmodius and Aristogiton
  • 34 The Law of Ostracism
  • 35 The Bridge of Boats
  • 36 Darius Rewards Histiaeus
  • 37 Histiaeus Shaves the Head of His Slave
  • 38 Sardis is Destroyed
  • 39 The Sandal Sewn by Histiaeus
  • 40 Darius Demands Earth and Water
  • 41 The Battle of Marathon
  • 42 Miltiades Sails to the Land of Paros
  • 43 Aristides is Ostracised
  • 44 The Dream of Xerxes
  • 45 Xerxes Orders the Hellespont To Be Scourged
  • 46 The Bravest Men in All Hellas
  • 47 The Battle of Thermopylae
  • 48 The Battle of Artemisium
  • 49 Themistocles Urges Eurybiades to Stay at Salamis
  • 50 Themistocles Tricks the Admirals
  • 51 The Battle of Salamis
  • 52 The Battle of Plataea
  • 53 The Delian League
  • 54 Themistocles Deceives the Spartans
  • 55 Themistocles is Ostracised
  • 56 The Eloquence of Pericles
  • 57 Pericles and Elpinice
  • 58 The City of Athens
  • 59 Great Men of Athens
  • 60 The Thebans Attack the Plataeans
  • 61 Attica is Invaded by the Spartans
  • 62 The Last Words of Pericles
  • 63 The Siege of Plataea
  • 64 The Sentence of Death
  • 65 Brasidas Loses His Shield
  • 66 The Spartans Surrender
  • 67 Brasidas the Spartan
  • 68 Amphipolis Surrenders to Brasidas
  • 69 Alcibiades the Favorite of Athens
  • 70 Socrates the Philosopher
  • 71 Alcibiades Praises Socrates
  • 72 The Images of Hermes Are Destroyed
  • 73 Alcibiades Escapes to Sparta
  • 74 The Siege of Syracuse
  • 75 The Athenian Army Is Destroyed
  • 76 Alcibiades Returns to Athens
  • 77 Antiochus Disobeys Alcibiades
  • 78 The Walls of Athens Are Destroyed
  • 79 The March of the Ten Thousand
  • 80 Pelopidas and Epaminondas
  • 81 The Seven Conspirators
  • 82 The Battle of Leuctra
  • 83 The Death of Epaminondas
  • 84 The Two Brothers
  • 85 Timoleon Sends Dionysius to Corinth
  • 86 Icetes tries to Slay Timeleon
  • 87 The Battle of Crimisus
  • 88 Demosthenes Wishes to Become an Orator
  • 89 Demosthenes the Greatest Orator of Athens
  • 90 The Sacred War
  • 91 Alexander and Bucephalus
  • 92 Alexander and Diogenes
  • 93 The Battle of Granicus
  • 94 The Gordian Knot
  • 95 Darius Gallops from the Battlefield
  • 96 Tyre Is Stormed by Alexander
  • 97 The Battle of Gaugamela
  • 98 Alexander Burns Perspolis
  • 99 Alexander Slays His Foster-Brother
  • 100 Porus and His Elephant
  • 101 Alexander Is Wounded
  • 102 The Death of Alexander
  • 103 Deomsthenes in the Temple of Poseiden

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