
Stonewall (Unforgettable Americans series)

by Jean Fritz Author

(from the back cover) No one thought Thomas Jackson would grow up to be a hero. Certainly not his childhood friends, who laughed at him when he fell into the river on the way to church and then sat through the service in his wet clothes. The cadets at West Point watched him sweat buckets whenever he had to speak in class and doubted if he'd even graduate. But through it all, Jackson's determination to succeed served him well. he found that war allowed him to be the kind of man he'd always dreamed of being. While other soldiers fell back in terror, Jackson stood "like a stone wall" and went on to be one of the most brilliant and heroic military leaders in America.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
4th - 8th
Geographical Setting
United States of America
Historical Setting
1800 - 1900


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