Tea Party Bible Times for Mom and Me: Fun Bible Studies to Do Together
by Mary J. Murray Author
This charming and unique Bible study offers mothers and daughters aged 7-12 a delightful way to strengthen their special bond and grow in their faith. Author Mary Murray inspires great conversations and interactions with clever Scripture-based activities that explore inner beauty, kindness, friendship, and more as she draws moms and daughters together with special tea and treat recipes to cook up collaboration and hospitality craft projects to turn thoughts and talk to the Creator tea party ideas that serve up fellowship and fun Bible readings and memory verses along with journaling sections mother-daughter moments that celebrate life and faith Once completed, this study, journal, and activity book will hold dear memories and will provide great joy and encouragement for years to come. This gift-worthy gathering of sweet ideas will make every occasion extra special and special occasions more meaningful for moms and their little girls.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9780736928625
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 8
- Pages
- 128
- Publisher
- Harvest House Publishers
- Copyright
- 2010
- 1 Formal Tea Party: Beautiful on the Inside
- 2 Slumber Tea Party: Words are Important
- 3 Book Bonanza Tea Party: Content & Happy Heart
- 4 Great Games Tea Party: Kindness Counts
- 5 Friendship Tea Party: Friendship Matters
- 6 Arts & Crafts Tea Party: Using God's Money
- 7 Nature Tea Party: Home & Family - God's Perfect Plan
- 8 Mom, Me, and Music Tea Party: Knowing Our Awesome God
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