The Fallacy Detective [SCM]
by Nathaniel Bluedorn Author
(From Amazon): 2009 Edition: More Fallacies, More Cartoons. What is a fallacy? A fallacy is an error in logic -- a place where someone has made a mistake in his thinking. A cloud is 90% water. A watermelon is 90% water. Therefore, since a plane can fly through a cloud, a plane can fly through a watermelon. This is an easy book for learning to spot common errors in reasoning. For ages twelve through adult. Fun to use -- learn skills you can use right away. Exercises with answer key. Covers logical fallacies and propaganda techniques. Peanuts, Dilbert, and Calvin and Hobbes cartoons. Includes The Fallacy Detective Game. 2009 Edition introduces the special pleading and slippery slope fallacies and includes many new illustrations.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9780974531533
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 38
- Pages
- 214
- Suggested Grades
- 7th - 12th
- Publisher
- Christian Logic
- Edition
- 3rd
- Copyright
- 2009
- 1 Exercise Your Mind
- 2 Love to Listen
- 3 Opposing Viewpoints
- 4 Red Herring Fallacy
- 5 Recognizing Red Herrings
- 6 Special Pleading
- 7 Ad Hominem Attack
- 8 Genetic Fallacy
- 9 Tu Quoque
- 10 Faulty Appeal to Authority
- 11 Appeal to the People
- 12 Straw Man
- 13 The Story of Aroup Goupta
- 14 Assumptions
- 15 Circular Reasoning
- 16 Equivocation
- 17 Loaded Question
- 18 Slippery Slope
- 19 Part-to-Whole
- 20 Whole-to-Part
- 21 Either-Or
- 22 What is Generalization?
- 23 Hasty Generalization
- 24 What is an Analogy?
- 25 Weak Analogy
- 26 Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
- 27 Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc in Statistics
- 28 Proof by Lack of Evidence
- 29 What is Propaganda?
- 30 Appeal to Fear
- 31 Appeal to Pity
- 32 Bandwagon
- 33 Exigency
- 34 Repetition
- 35 Transfer
- 36 Snob Appeal
- 37 Appeal to Tradition and Appeal to Hi-Tech
- 38 Find Some Propaganda on Your Own
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