
Student Writing Intensive B


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In Print
Suggested Grades
6th - 9th
Institute for Excellence in Writing


  • 1 Lesson 1- Sea Wasps outline
  • 2 Write a paragraph from outline
  • 3 Edit paragraph using composition check list
  • 4 Write a paragraph from the outline and edit using composition check list
  • 5 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 6 Create a key word outline
  • 7 Write a paragraph from the outline and edit using composition checklist
  • 8 Lesson 2- Write a paragraph from the Farmer and Sons outline
  • 9 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 10 Edit paragraph using composition check list
  • 11 Create a keyword out line from The Donkey and his Driver
  • 12 Write a paragraph
  • 13 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 14 Edit the paragraph using the composition checklist
  • 15 Lesson 3- Rewrite the Farmer and Sons paragraph using the new checklis
  • 16 Edit paragraph using the checklist
  • 17 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 18 Create a keyword outline from the Alice Sees the White Rabbit
  • 19 Write a paragraph. Edit paragraph using the checklist.
  • 20 Lesson 4- Create titles for all paragraphs thus far
  • 21 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 22 Create keyword outline from the Gordon's Knot paragraph
  • 23 Write a paragraph from the outline. Edit using the checklist
  • 24 Create a keyword outline using Carthage
  • 25 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 26 Write a paragraph from the outline
  • 27 Edit paragraph using checklist
  • 28 Lesson 5- Create a keyword outline from False
  • 29 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 30 Write a paragraph
  • 31 Edit using the checklist
  • 32 Create a keyword outline using Anethetics
  • 33 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 34 Write a Paragraph
  • 35 Edit paragraph using checklist
  • 36 Lesson 6-Create a keyword outline from Blood Transfusions. brainstorm possible dress ups
  • 37 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 38 Write a paragraph
  • 39 Edit paragraph using checklist
  • 40 Create a keyword outline using Antiseptic
  • 41 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 42 Write a paragraph
  • 43 Edit paragraph using checklist
  • 44 Complete lesson 7
  • 45 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 46 Decide if you want to change characters and setting. change outline as necessary
  • 47 Begin writing story. Finish first paragraph
  • 48 Write second paragraph
  • 49 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 50 Write third paragraph
  • 51 Read through story and begin editing using the checklist
  • 52 Continue edit
  • 53 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 54 Finish story
  • 55 Lesson 8- Create story sequence outline using The Salt Merchant and his Ass
  • 56 Decide if you want to change characters and setting. Adjust outline
  • 57 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 58 Begin writing story. Finish first paragraph
  • 59 Write second paragraph
  • 60 Write third paragraph
  • 61 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 62 Begin edit using composition checklist
  • 63 Continue edit
  • 64 Finish story
  • 65 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 66 Lesson 9-Review story sequence and create story sequence outline of The Serpent and the eagle
  • 67 Decide if you want to change characters and setting. Adjust outline if necessary
  • 68 Begin writing story. Finish first paragraph
  • 69 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 70 Write second paragraph
  • 71 Write third paragraph
  • 72 Begin edit using checklist
  • 73 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 74 Continue edit
  • 75 Finish writing
  • 76 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 77 Lesson 10-Review story sequence and create a story sequence outline of their choice
  • 78 Begin writing story. Finish first paragraph
  • 79 Write second paragraph
  • 80 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 81 Write third paragraph
  • 82 Edit using composition checklist
  • 83 Continue edit
  • 84 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 85 Finish story
  • 86 Complete lesson 11
  • 87 Edit paragraph using composition checklist
  • 88 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 89 Edit paragraph using composition checklist
  • 90 Continue edit
  • 91 Finish writing
  • 92 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 93 Create 1-2 keyword outlines on another topic or two about whales
  • 94 Write 1-2 paragraphs based on the outline
  • 95 Edit paragraphs using composition checklists
  • 96 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 97 Finish writing
  • 98 Lesson 12-Choose two or three book about a single subject
  • 99 Create a keyword outline on one topic
  • 100 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 101 Write a paragraph about topic using your outline. Edit
  • 102 Create 1-2 keyword outline on other topics about your subject
  • 103 Write paragraphs based on outlines
  • 104 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 105 Edit using checklist
  • 106 Finish writing
  • 107 Complete lesson 13
  • 108 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 109 Rewrite a paragraph from lessons 1-3 using new style
  • 110 Edit using one Column of composition checklist
  • 111 Rewrite a paragraph from lessons 1-3 using new style
  • 112 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 113 Edit using one column of composition checklist
  • 114 Rewrite a paragraph from lessons 1-3 using new style
  • 115 Edit paragraph using one column from composition checklist
  • 116 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 117 Lesson 14-Create a brain inventory
  • 118 Create a keyword outline based on one topic from brain inventory
  • 119 Write a paragraph from outline
  • 120 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 121 Edit using one column from composition checklist
  • 122 Create two keyword outlines on two topics from your brain inventory
  • 123 Write the first paragraph from the outline
  • 124 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 125 Write the second paragraph from the outline
  • 126 Edit the paragraphs using the next two columns of the composition. Checklist
  • 127 Lesson 15-Create a keyword outline based on another topic from your brain inventory
  • 128 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 129 Write a paragraph from outline
  • 130 Edit paragraph using first column of the composition checklist
  • 131 Create two keyword outlines based on two topics from your brain inventory
  • 132 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice
  • 133 Write the first paragraph
  • 134 Write the second paragraph
  • 135 Edit paragraphs using the remaining columns of the composition checklist
  • 136 Catch Up Day/Written Narration subject of choice

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