The Answers Book
by Don Batten Editor, Ken Ham Author, Jonathan Sarfati Author, Carl Wieland Author
Answers the twenty most-asked questions about creation, evolution, and the book of Genesis.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0-89051-161-6
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 20
- Pages
- 278
- Suggested Grades
- 10th - 12th
- Publisher
- Master Books
- Edition
- Revised Edition
- Copyright
- 2000
- 1 Does God Exist?
- 2 Did God Really Take Six Days?
- 3 What about the 'Gap Theory'?
- 4 What about Carbon Dating?
- 5 How Can We See Distant Stars in a Young Universe?
- 6 How Did Bad Things Come About?
- 7 What about Arguments for Evolution?
- 8 Cain's Wife -- Who Was She?
- 9 Were the Nephilim Extraterrestrials?
- 10 Was Noah's Flood Global?
- 11 What about Continental Drift?
- 12 Noah's Flood -- What about All That Water?
- 13 How Did the Animals Fit on Noah's Ark?
- 14 How Did Fish Survive the Flood?
- 15 Where Are All the Human Fossils?
- 16 What about the Ice Age?
- 17 How Did Animals Get to Australia?
- 18 How Did All the Different 'Races' Arise?
- 19 What Happened to the Dinosaurs?
- 20 What Can I Do?
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