
Michael Clay Thompson Practice Town, Student Edition

by Michael Clay Thompson Author

(From Amazon): Student edition, one hundered four level analysis practice sentences. A supplement to Grammar Town, Paragraph Town and Caesar's English 1.


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In Print
Suggested Grades
4th - 6th
Royal Fireworks Press


  • 1 Oh, many bilingual citizens lived in the town.
  • 2 The mayor of the town had a happy countenance.
  • 3 Then the low clouds descended toward the tiled rooftops.
  • 4 Yes, after the ceremony the enthusiasm was manifest.
  • 5 The speaker glared down with a supercilious expression.
  • 6 He and I developed a proufound respect for the artist.
  • 7 The previous comment interested you and me immediately.
  • 8 The stone bridge was a prodicious feat of construction.
  • 9 The terrible storm gave the mayor unimaginable problems.
  • 10 In the long summer days we sank slowly into a sleepy langour.
  • 11 Suddenly, clamorous voices interrupted the peaceful serenity.
  • 12 A serene dawn cast a soft, pink light on the chimneys.
  • 13 The semicircle of the dome was black against the sunset.
  • 14 The venerable inspector gave us a series of acute observations.
  • 15 Yes, he dismissed our concerns too soon.
  • 16 That is a grotesque and tragic scene.
  • 17 Sympathy helped in that situation.
  • 18 The golden dome had a circumference of ninety feet.
  • 19 With a condescending sneer, he gave them his answer.
  • 20 The postscript of the letter was an apology to the community.
  • 21 An odious, noxious smog lay like a blanket over the city.
  • 22 No, she had no malice in her words or thoughts.
  • 23 Sudden thunder tumbled down upon the mountain town.
  • 24 Exquisite architectural features adorned the old theater.
  • 25 Why did they ask you and me that question?
  • 26 From the beginning, the two commissioners were he and I.
  • 27 The surgeon bought her husband an antebellum mansion.
  • 28 The gust of wind caused a tremulous flutter in the leaves.
  • 29 The town's water came down through a very old stone aqueduct.
  • 30 We felt a singular, silent serenity in the snowy streets.
  • 31 The generous benefactor gave the citizens a new auditorium.
  • 32 She gently alluded to the deteriorated condition of the walls.
  • 33 In the legend he was approached by a scribe from the temple.
  • 34 The purple morning sky was peaceful, placid and pale.
  • 35 The director chose you and me for the unprecedented honor.
  • 36 It was a perfectly amiable gathering of old colleagues.
  • 37 It was a concise speech, and he thanked you and me.
  • 38 The icredulous architect sat on the sidewalk and laughed aloud.
  • 39 A defeated and dismissed assistant offered you and me his apology.
  • 40 She felt a strange perplexity about the reasons for the change.
  • 41 The highly toxic pesticide gave everyone a headache.
  • 42 Soft, gray clouds draped the town with a melancholy drizzle.
  • 43 The department issued a terse dictum about official procedures.
  • 44 The sculture was the mayor's visage cast in bronze.
  • 45 Our streets were inspected b the Department of Sanitation.
  • 46 What are the tangible rewards for this difficult project?
  • 47 Who among the group did the committee eventually replace?
  • 48 The citizens left their shelters as the storm finally abated.
  • 49 A subtle, undulating rumble of thunder was the only warning.
  • 50 There was an omnipresent feeling of optimism in the city.
  • 51 They wanted to traverse the city from east to west.
  • 52 A sense of impending disaster hit Jones, the venerable overseer.
  • 53 Designing vulgar structures is typical of that architect.
  • 54 Expressing her philosophy, the director rrapidly gained control.
  • 55 With vivid images the man, a weary traveler, gave them an account.
  • 56 Looking pallid and puny, the surgeon described the broken limb.
  • 57 Completely exhausted by their labors, they anticipated a long repose.
  • 58 Yes, doing benevolent deeds was his only purpose.
  • 59 At the old theater they profoundly enjoyed meeting you and me.
  • 60 His sonorous voice encouraged you and me to act immediately.
  • 61 With a wistful gaze, she wanted to visit him an me.
  • 62 Renovating the old neighborhood was a brilliant idea.
  • 63 Remonstrating vehemently, the young fellow followed him and me.
  • 64 We were not sanguine about the prospects for completing the project.
  • 65 The new chairman was expected to think sagacioiusly.
  • 66 Thinking profoundly, he was cognizant of the acute difficulties.
  • 67 Wanting to leave, they listened to the tedious, interminable complaint.
  • 68 The rejection, a printed document, was delivered to his door.
  • 69 Articulating ideas clearly is a necessity for an elected official.
  • 70 The magnate to contact first is the fellow in the corner.
  • 71 He tried to vex the chairman with ireelevant questions.
  • 72 He lived to vex the chairman with irrelevant questions.
  • 73 The jury's decision, a guilty verdict, was the talk of the town.
  • 74 The prostrate runner, completel exhausted, gasped for breath.
  • 75 To write well is to think well.
  • 76 An abyss of misunderstanding developed; we were sad.
  • 77 After the dispute we laughed, she left, and he loafed.
  • 78 When they elected her opponent, she felt like a martyr.
  • 79 An oligarchy controlled the city; therefore, voting was important.
  • 80 The acrid smoke pervaded everything; we had to leave the city.
  • 81 We went to the mountains when her chronic cough abated.
  • 82 We paused; the sound gave us a feeling of apprehension.
  • 83 I drove, and she watched as we enjoyed the biodiversity.
  • 84 Words were superfluous because the architecture spoke for itself.
  • 85 Green plants are autotropic: they make heir own food.
  • 86 At night the area, a cinema district, glowed with lurid, neon signs.
  • 87 We saw him, sunken in trouble and decimated by problems.
  • 88 As she spoke with genial concern, troubled citizens listened carefully.
  • 89 Why is he here, and where is that antidote?
  • 90 Do it, feel the palpable tension in the air, right now.
  • 91 Protected well, the telescope is housed in a gleaming, white dome.
  • 92 The stolid, stoical citizens stood around the statue; it started to rain.
  • 93 He is introverted, but she is gregarious, not taciturn.
  • 94 As you told us, the architecture was ausere and classical.
  • 95 A neolithic ruin lay just outside the city, and we often went there.
  • 96 There were furtive efforts to avoid compliance; we never participated.
  • 97 We always knew that the child had a sublime talent.
  • 98 Building the bridge was immensely difficult; it took five ears.
  • 99 The weather was serene and placid, and we began to rebuild the wall.
  • 100 When the dust finally settled, nobody articulated the idea.

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