Old Story New: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God
by Marty Machowski Author
(From Amazon): Easy-to-Use Devotional Helps Parents Share the Living Gospel Story! Old Story New makes it easy for parents to stay on the life-giving course of sharing the gospel story with their family. This second volume in Marty Machowski's family devotional series continues the gospel story begun in the Old Testament devotional, Long Story Short. Using the same effective ten-minute a day structure, it connects children to living gospel truth through 78 New Testament stories. Simple discussion questions (and answers) for each day's devotion help children understand and connect the story of salvation to their own lives. Old Story New, part of the Gospel Story for Kids program, is suitable for children from preschool through high school.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781936768660
- Print Status
- In Print
- Weeks
- 78
- Pages
- 432
- Publisher
- New Growth Press
- Copyright
- 2012
- 1 The Birth of Jesus Foretold
- 2 The Birth of Jesus
- 3 Jesus Presented in the Temple
- 4 The Ministry of John the Baptist
- 5 The Baptism of Jesus
- 6 The Temptation of Jesus
- 7 The Wedding Feast
- 8 Jesus Cleanses the Temple
- 9 Nicodemus
- 10 Good News
- 11 The Miraculous Catch
- 12 Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man
- 13 The Sermon on the Mount-The Beatitudes
- 14 The Sermon on the Mount-Love Your Enemies
- 15 The Lord's Prayer
- 16 Treasure in Heaven
- 17 The Wise and the Foolish Builder
- 18 The Four Soils
- 19 The Hidden Treasure
- 20 Jesus Calms the Storm
- 21 Jesus Feeds the Multitude
- 22 Jesus Walks on Water
- 23 Take Up Your Cross
- 24 The Transfiguration
- 25 Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers
- 26 Jesus Claims to Be God
- 27 The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
- 28 Lazarus
- 29 Jesus and Zacchaeus
- 30 The Triumphal Entry
- 31 The Widow's Offering
- 32 Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
- 33 The Last Supper
- 34 Jesus Promises to Send the Holy Spirit
- 35 Jesus is Arrested
- 36 Peter Denies Jesus
- 37 The Crucifixion and the Criminals
- 38 The Death of Christ
- 39 The Resurrection
- 40 Doubting Thomas
- 41 Another Miraculous Catch
- 42 The Great Commission
- 43 The Ascension
- 44 Pentecost
- 45 Peter and the Prophet Joel
- 46 New Believers
- 47 The Lame Beggar Walks
- 48 Anaias and Sapphira
- 49 The Death of Stephen
- 50 Saul is Knocked to the Ground
- 51 The Gentiles are Covered
- 52 The Fruit of the Spirit
- 53 The Body of Christ
- 54 Love
- 55 Paul's Work in Ephesus
- 56 A New Creation
- 57 God Loves a Cheerful Giver
- 58 A Gift of Righteousness
- 59 Abraham: Father to All by Faith
- 60 Belive and Confess
- 61 Paul in Chains
- 62 The Supremacy of Christ
- 63 Chosen before the World Began
- 64 From Death to Life
- 65 The Gift of Men
- 66 Putting Off the Old Self
- 67 The Armor of God
- 68 The Humility of Christ
- 69 Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
- 70 Character Counts
- 71 God Breathed the Scriptures
- 72 The Heart's Desires
- 73 Born Again!
- 74 God's Word is Living
- 75 By Faith
- 76 Loving One Another
- 77 Worthy is the Lamb
- 78 At the Throne Worshipping
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