Latin Alive! Book One
by Karen Moore Author
(From Amazon): Students will be delighted by what they learn in each new chapter of Latin Alive!, Book One, and they will learn to see that Latin is everywhere around them. As the first text in a three-year series, it is a rigorous and thorough introduction to this great language, and is designed to engage the upper school (middle and high school) student. Brimming with relevant facts and stories this text offers something for everyone. A Teacher's Edition including answer keys, teacher's helps and additional activities is available separately. Includes: Thirty six weekly chapters including twenty nine new content chapters and seven review, ''reading'' chapters. Pronunciation Guides Weekly introduction of vocabulary Thorough grammar explanations including all five noun declensions and cases, all verb conjugations, irregular verbs, various pronouns, adjectives and adverbs United States state seals and their Latin mottos Extensive study of the Latin derivatives of English words Substantial Latin readings and translation exercises Lessons and stories of Roman culture, myths and history Exercises and questions to prepare students for the National Latin Exam and the Advanced Placement Exam Includes historical contributions from Christopher Schlect, historian and Academic Dean at New Saint Andrews College, Moscow, ID Teacher's Materials including answer keys, teacher's helps and additional activities available separately Classical Academic Press Educators will find all curricula by Classical Academic Press to be created with four important attributes. Each product is classical, creative, relevant, and easy to use. As our company name implies, you will find that we publish classical books and media, seeking to acquaint students with the best that has been thought and said. We also design and present our products with creativity and zest, from beautiful illustrations to engaging storytelling, ensuring that the classical subjects being taught are anything but boring. Areas we publish in include: -Latin -Ancient Greek -Logic -Bible, Old & New Testament -The Art Of Poetry -Spanish -Classical Education Resources
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781600510540
- Print Status
- In Print
- Exercises
- 26
- Pages
- 299
- Suggested Grades
- 9th - 12th
- Publisher
- Classical Academic Press
- Copyright
- 2008
- 1 Flashcards verbs pg. 14 finish
- 2 Chap. 4 Ex. 2
- 3 Make flashcards for future endings
- 4 Ch. 4 Ex. 3
- 5 Make flash cards imperfect endings
- 6 Ch. 4 Ex. 4
- 7 Ch. 4 Ex. 5
- 8 Ch. 4 Ex. 6
- 9 Pg. 18 derivatives
- 10 Pg. 18 Colloquamur
- 22 Chap 18 - Irreg. Verbs: ire, ferre, posse; Complementary Infinitives; Reading - Regulus and Hamilcar
- 23 Chap 19 - Personal Pronouns; Reading - Dido's Prophecy in Book IV, Aeneid
- 24 Chap 20 - Demonstrative Pronouns/ Adjectives; Intensive Pronoun; Reading - Hannibal
- 25 Chap 21 - The Naughty Nine (Spec. Adjectives), Irreg. Verbs - volo, nolo; Reading - Hannibal and Scipio Africanus at the Battle of Zama
- 26 Unit 5 Reading - Hist - The Punic Wars; Latin - Cato the Elder; Carthage Must Be Destroyed!
- 27 Chap 22 - Numemrals: Declension of duo and tres, Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers; Reading - Cicero
- 28 Chap 23 - Partitive Expressions; Constructions of Price, Time and Space; Reading - Catilinarian Conspiracy
- 29 Chap 24 - Reflexive Pronouns; Reflexive Possessives Adjectives; Reading - Crassus
- 30 Chap 25 - Relative and Interrogative Pronouns; Reading - Spartacus
- 31 Chap 26 - Adverbs; Reading - Pompey
- 32 Unit 6 Reading: Hist - The First Triumvirate; Latin - Julius Caesar: The Early Years
- 33 Chap 27 - Fourth Conjugation; Perfect System; Reading - Caesar in Gaul
- 34 Chap 28 - Fourth Declension; Principal Part Study; Reading - Caesar in Britain
- 35 Chap 29 - Fifth Declension; Reading - Crossing of the Rubicon
- 36 Unit 7 Readings- Hist - Civil War; Latin - Death of Julius Caesar
- 37
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