My Antonia
by Willa Cather Author
(From Amazon): Set on the Nebraska prairie of the 1880s, My Ántonia tells the story of Ántonia Shimerda, daughter of a Bohemian immigrant.Through the eyes of Jim Burden, her tutor and admirer, we follow Ántonia's struggles and triumphs in the face of life's relentless hardships.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-1613820759
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 12
- Pages
- 154
- Suggested Grades
- 10th - 12th
- Geographical Setting
- Nebraska
- Historical Setting
- 1880 - 1880
- Publisher
- Simon & Brown
- Copyright
- 2013
- http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1613820755/ref...
- 3-31
- 31-59
- 60-90
- 90-121
- 122-149
- 150-180
- 181-210
- 211-238
- 238-269
- 270-310
- 310-340
- 341-360
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