Insect Museum [SCM]
by Sonia Dourlot Author
(From Amazon): Close-ups of a miniature universe. This innovative reference explores the fascinating world of insects and allows readers to discover the intricacies of these tiny creatures in a striking and completely original way. Insect Museum features 114 extreme close-up photographs of butterflies, dragonflies, beetles and flies, as well as spiders and centipedes, that allow readers to appreciate fully the subtle esthetics of each insect's form, the delicate texture of its wings and the beauty of its colors. Each full-color plate is accompanied by a thorough description of the insect that includes: The origins of the common name and the significance of the scientific name Details of distribution and habitat Its natural history, with surprising details on the habits and adaptations developed by the insect to survive and reproduce A line drawing that demonstrates the insect's actual size. There are also more than 330 additional photos that illustrate larvae, ovulation, mating, nutrition and other important aspects of the insect's life cycle. Insect Museum takes readers closer to insects than ever before and ensures they will never look at insects in the same way again. Caution: Does contain some evolutionary thought.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1554074835
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 256
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 12th
- Publisher
- Firefly Books
- Copyright
- 2009
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