The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child, Volume 2 Audiobook: The Middle Ages: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of the Renaissance, Revised Edition (9 CDs)
by Susan Wise Bauer Author
(From Amazon): History will never be the same again!This spirited reading of the first in Susan Wise Bauer's Story of the World history series brings to life the stories and records of the peoples of ancient times. Now more than ever, other countries and customs affect our everyday lives-and our children need to learn about the people who live all around the globe. Susan Wise Bauer has provided a captivating guide to the history of the ancient world. Written in an engaging, straightforward manner, The Story of the World weaves world history into a storybook format. This volume covers the major historical events from the years 400 to 1600—from the fall of Rome through the rise of the Renaissance. This Story of the World audiobook is a collaboration between Jim Weiss, whose voice has been described as “liquid gold” (CNN-TV), and Susan Wise Bauer, whose writing has been described as “timeless and intelligent” (Publishers Weekly). It may be used along with the print books (The Story of the World Volume 2 Text Book, Activity Book, and Tests; each sold separately), as a supplement to a traditional history curriculum, or independently. Approximately 11 hours on 9 CDs.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-1-933339-12
- Print Status
- In Print
- Tracks
- 100
- Pages
- 1
- Publisher
- Peace Hill Press
- Edition
- Revised Edition
- Copyright
- 2007
- 1 1/1 Foreward 3:43
- 2 1/2 Ch1. Wandering Through the Roman Empire 7:33
- 3 1/3 The Fall of Rome 4:55
- 4 1/4 Ch2. The Celts of Britain 6:29
- 5 1/5 Barbarians Come to Britain 2:58
- 6 1/6 Beowulf the Hero 6:31
- 7 1/7 Ch3. Augustine Comes to England 5:47
- 8 1/8 Medieval Monasteries 4:28
- 9 1/9 Writing Books by Hand 4:35
- 10 1/10 Ch4. The Beauty of Constantinople 4:42
- 11 1/11 Justinian, the Just Emperor 5:23
- 12 1/12 The Empress Theodora 5:06
- 13 1/13 The Church in the East 7:40
- 14 1/14 Ch5. A King Named Skandagupta 6:27
- 15 2/1 Monks in Caves 4:33
- 16 2/2 Ch6. Muhammad's Vision 4:14
- 17 2/3 Muhammad Flees to Medina 5:46
- 18 2/4 The Koran: Islam's Holy Book 3:42
- 19 2/5 Ch7. The Fight for Mecca 4:34
- 20 2/6 The Spread of Islam 3:25
- 21 2/7 The City of Bagdad 8:49
- 22 2/8 Sinbad in the Valley of Snakes 5:03
- 23 2/9 Ch8. Yang Chien United North & South 5:18
- 24 2/10 The Tang Dynasty 4:42
- 25 2/11 Ch9. The Yamato Dynasty of Japan 6:49
- 26 2/12 Tale of Three Countries Korea, China, & Japan 55:35
- 27 2/13 Ch10. The First People of Australia 7:07
- 28 3/1 The Long Journey of the Maori 6:29
- 29 3/2 Ch11. Clovis, the Ex-Barbarian 7:42
- 30 3/3 Four Tribes, One Empire 4:01
- 31 3/4 Ch12. Islam in Spain and Africa 5:12
- 32 3/5 Ch13. Charles the Hammer 4:12
- 33 3/6 The Greatest King: Charlemagne 4:55
- 34 3/7 Ch14. The Viking Invasion 4:51
- 35 3/8 Eric the Red and "Eric's Son" 7:29
- 36 3/9 the Norse Gods/ Thor and the Giant King 12:03
- 38 3/11 Ch15. The Vikings Invade England 4:34
- 39 3/12 Alfred the Great 5:44
- 40 3/13 The Battle of Hastings 7:06
- 41 4/1 Ch16. the English Language 7:25
- 42 4/2 Serfs and Noblemen 5:48
- 43 4/3 Stone Castles 7:11
- 44 4/4 Ch17. The English Code of Chivalry 6:26
- 45 4/5 The Samurai: Japaneses Knights 6:52
- 46 4/6 Ch18. A Command from the Pope 6:54
- 47 4/7 Recapturing Jerusalem 6:27
- 48 4/8 Saladin of Jerusalem 6:27
- 49 4/9 El Cid and the "Reconquest of Spain" 6:21
- 50 4/10 Ch19. Richard the Lionhearted 6:27
- 51 5/1 John Lackland and the Magna Carta 6:08
- 52 5/2 Robin Hood / Robin Hood and the Butcher 7:42
- 53 5/3 Ch20. The Scattering of theJews 5:12
- 54 5/4 A Tale of the Diaspora / The Clever Rabbi of Cordova 6:29
- 55 5/5 Ch21. Genghis Kahn, Emperor of All Men 6:15
- 56 5/6 The Mongol Conquest of China 5:16
- 57 5/7 Ch22. Marco Polo Goes to China 6:43
- 58 5/8 The Forbidden City of the Ming 6:54
- 59 5/9 Ch23. The Rus Comes to Constaninople 5:53
- 60 5/10 Ivan the Great and Ivan the Terrible 7:06
- 61 6/1 Ch24. the Ottoman Turks Attack / the Sheep-Rocks 5:38
- 62 6/2 The Capture of Constaninople 7:36
- 63 6/3 Suleiman the Lawgiver 6:28
- 64 6/4 Ch25. The Plague 6:53
- 65 6/5 A New Way of Living 5:50
- 66 6/6 Ch26. Henry V and the Battle of Agincourt 7:37
- 67 6/7 Joan of Arc 7:09
- 68 6/8 Ch27. The Wars of the Roses 7:42
- 69 6/9 The Princes in the Tower 7:56
- 70 6/10 Ch28. Ferdinand and Isabella Unite Spain 6:54
- 71 6/11 Henry the Navigator, Prince of Portugal 6:48
- 72 7/1 Ch29. Gold, Salt, & Ghana 6:35
- 73 7/2 Mansa Musa of Mali 5:42
- 74 7/3 the Songhay Empire 5:36
- 75 7/4 Ch30. The Moghul Dynasty 7:26
- 76 7/5 Akbar of India / The Bad-Luck Servant 7:04
- 77 7/6 Ch31. Christopher Columbus 8:29
- 78 7/7 Vespucci and Magellan 6:44
- 79 7/8 Ch32. The Mayans of Central America 5:32
- 80 7/9 The Marvelous City of Tenochtitlan 6:17
- 81 7/10 the Incas 6:17
- 82 8/1 Ch33. The Slave Trade 6:00
- 83 8/2 Cortes and Montezuma 7:53
- 84 8/3 Ch34. Martin Luther's List 6:32
- 85 8/4 Henry VIII's Problem 8:32
- 86 8/5 Ch35. A New Way of Thinking 6:42
- 87 8/6 Gutenberg's Great Invention 7:26
- 88 8/7 Ch36. The Spread of the Reformation 5:56
- 89 8/8 TheCouncil of Trent 4:19
- 90 8/9 Ch37. The Revolution of Copernicus 6:00
- 91 8/10 Galileo's Strange Notions 6:41
- 92 8/11 Ch38. The Queen Who Almost Wasn't 7:26
- 93 9/1 Good Queen Bess 6:49
- 94 9/2 Ch39. William Shakespeare / Macbeth 9:26
- 95 9/3 Macbeth's Decision 7:47
- 96 9/4 Ch40. Walter Raleigh and the New World 7:54
- 97 9/5 The Lost Colony 7:39
- 98 9/6 Ch41. The New-Found Land 6:31
- 99 9/7 Jacques Cartier's Discoveries 8:02
- 100 9/8 Ch42. Spain and England's War 8:37
- 101 9/9 The World at the End of the Sixteenth Century 9:19
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