
Classic Myths to Read Aloud: The Great Stories of Greek and Roman Mythology, Specially Arranged for Children Five and Up by an Educational Expert

by William F. Russell Author

(From Amazon): The most complete collection of Greek and Roman myths specially arranged to be read aloud to children aged five to twelve. "Every child deserves this book. Those who do the reading aloud will be enlightened and rewarded, too."--Edwin Newman Line drawings.

Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Stories: Listening Level 1s
Suggested Grades
Early Years - 12th
Broadway Books

Stories: Listening Level 1s

  • 1 The Gift of Athena
  • 2 Icarus Daedalus
  • 3 The Origins of the Seasons
  • 4 Echo and Narcissus
  • 5 Damon and Pythias
  • 6 The Battle of Marathon
  • 7 Europa and Cadmus
  • 8 The Sword of Damocles
  • 9 Pegasus, the Winged Horse
  • 10 Baucis and Philemon
  • 11 The Spinning Contest
  • 12 Orpheus and Eurydice
  • 13 The Story of Io
  • 14 Halcyone's Dream
  • 15 Phaeton and the Chariot of the Sun
  • 16 Cupid and Psyche
  • 17 Pygmalion and Galatea
  • 18 The Story of Theseus: Part 1
  • 19 The Story of Thesues: Part 2
  • 20 Jason and the Golden Fleece: Part 1
  • 21 Jason and the Golden Fleece: Part 2
  • 22 Jason and the Golden Fleece: Part 3
  • 23 Perseus and the Gorgon's Head
  • 24 The Riddle of the Sphinx
  • 25 The Story of Helen of Troy
  • 26 The Judgement of Paris
  • 27 The Stealing of Helen
  • 28 The Quarrel
  • 29 The Gods Take Sides
  • 30 The Wrath of Achilles
  • 31 The Wooden Horse
  • 32 The Return of Ulysses
  • 33 The Greeks Set Sail
  • 34 Circe's Palace
  • 35 The Perilous Voyage Homeward
  • 36 What Had Happened in Ithaca
  • 37 Ulysses Returns to Ithaca
  • 38 The Wanderings of Aeneas
  • 39 Aeneas's Escape from Troy
  • 40 Aenas Searches for a Homes
  • 41 Aeneas and Queen Dido
  • 42 Aenas Visits the Lower World

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