
Life of Fred--Honey

by Stanley F. Schmidt Author

Scheduled with full chapter descriptions in the division boxes.


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
2nd - 7th
Polka Dot Publishing


  • 1 pg13 coloring 18 aquatic plants using crayons, naming 36 shades of blue, the natural numbers, the whole numbers counting by threes, sets closed under addition
  • 2 pg19 having a job that matters, d = rt, a quarter of an hour, a gallon of water weighs about eight pounds, the cardinal numbers, finite numbers
  • 3 pg25 how to deal with difficult situations, time zones southeast, the Milky Way, one trillion = 1,000,000,000,000, how to multiply by one million, 24 protons, periodic table of the elements
  • 4 pg32 functions, domains, and codomains, 1½ + 1½, eight points of the compass, Millard Fillmore, our 13th president, constant functions
  • 5 pg37 sheet music for “Morning Song”, safely crossing the street, bragging, ordinal numbers, solving 5 + x = 13
  • 6 pg43 six ideas to solve a problem, greater than (>), division 12 ÷ 3 or 12 3 or 3 ) 12, remainders, sequences
  • 7 pg49 how to do long division, dancing the foxtrot, 56,382 feet = 18,794 yards, hip fractures, three reasons to learn long division despite the existence of calculators
  • 8 pg56 kids don’t shave, four times table, disadvantages of being married to a calculator
  • 9 pg61 79 facts that English teachers have to teach kindergartners, the Greek alphabet, only 36 multiplication facts, tic-tac-toe with 16 squares instead of 9, why you shouldn’t squeeze a toothpaste tube really hard, playing Guess-a-Function
  • 10 pg67 when to wear a bow tie, essay: A Balance in Life, one times table and zero times table, where honey comes from—four answers, where bees live—four answers, hexagons and octagons, rhombus, square, why bees make honeycombs in the shape of hexagons
  • 11 pg73 smelting iron ore, 2%, one billion, three hundred million, why use plastic scissors, how many cuts to convert a hexagon into triangles, pentagons
  • 12 pg79 comparing Ducky brand flash cards to Honey Cards, how to make Honey Cards
  • 13 pg85 renting a hive to bees, bauxite to make aluminum, farther vs. further, 17% water, creating an apiary and determining the costs
  • 14 pg91 Kingie’s famous checklist for starting a business, how to pencil out a business proposal, how to figure out whether to +, –, ×, or ÷
  • 15 pg97 418 = 400 + 10 + 8, drawbacks to various business ideas, drawbacks to ignoring reality, uses of a smoke generator
  • 16 pg103 who in real life gets so wrapped up in an idea that they stubbornly insist on charging aheadeven though there is every indication that theresults will be disastrous, getting a credit card, sleeping bags sold by the inch
  • 17 pg109 looking at the mistakes we have made in our lives, July is the seventh month of the year, converting inches to feet, divisors
  • 18 pg115 do zeros mean nothing?, converting yards into feet, past tense of verbs ending in c, hold on has at least two meanings, go has 84 different meanings, what magic really means, 6wx + 9wx
  • 19 pg121 when the news on television isn’t news, results of going to rock concerts, slope of a line, slope in Life of Fred: Beginning Algebra, slope in Life of Fred: Trig, slope in Life of Fred: Calculus

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