Under the Snow
by Melissa Stewart Author
(From Amazon): When snow falls, we love to sled and skate and have snowball fights. But at the end of the day, we go home where it is warm and safe. What about all those animals out there in the forests and fields? What do they do when snow blankets the ground?Journey from your neighborhood to the woods, where ladybugs crowd together in a gap in the stone wall and a chipmunk snoozes in his burrow.Take a side trip to the pond, where a carp rests quietly on the bottom and a green frog nestles in the mud, scarcely breathing. And then as winter passes and the sun’s rays grow stronger, join all the animals as they get ready for spring.Award-winning science writer Melissa Stewart offers a lyrical tour of a variety of habitats, providing young readers with vivid glimpses of animals as they live out the winter beneath the snow and ice. Constance R. Bergum’s glowing watercolors perfectly capture the wonder and magic that can happen under the snow.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-1561454938
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 32
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 4th
- Publisher
- Peachtree Publishers
- Copyright
- 2009
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