
The Martyr's Victory: A Story of Danish England

by Emma Leslie Author

(From Amazon): Knowing full well they may die in the attempt, a small band of monks sets out to convert the savage Danes who have laid waste to the surrounding countryside year after year. Their faith is sorely tested as they face opposition from the angry Priest of Odin as well as doubts, sickness and starvation. The Danes laugh at the idea of leaving their warlike gods for a "weak" God of love, but Osric, the leader of the monks, is unwavering in his attempts to share the "White Christ" with those who reject Him. Then the monks discover a young Christian woman named Elswitha who has escaped being sacrificed to the Danish gods. While they are willing to risk the wrath of the Danes to shelter and care for her, they still wonder what they are supposed to do with a woman. As the monks struggle with discouragement, however, Elswitha becomes the key to reaching the village by showing the love of Christ to those who wanted to kill her. Through her, the Danes at last begin to understand the true meaning of Christianity.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Geographical Setting
Danish England
Historical Setting
793 - 1066
Salem Ridge Press


  • 1 The Ark of Refuge
  • 2 The Departure
  • 3 The Journey
  • 4 At the Court of the Danish King
  • 5 The Fugitive
  • 6 The Festival of Odin
  • 7 The Wounded Warrior
  • 8 The Parley
  • 9 Whispering Spirits
  • 10 In the Wood
  • 11 Foes and Friends
  • 12 The Hymns of Caedmon
  • 13 The Priest of Thor
  • 14 The Secret of Eglesdune
  • 15 Elswitha
  • 16 Eastertide
  • 17 At Thetford
  • 18 The Runaway Brides
  • 19 Dark Fears
  • 20 A New Law for the Danes
  • 21 Flotsam and Jetsam
  • 22 War and Peace

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