
The Children's Bible Story Book

by Anne de Graaf Author

(From Amazon): The Children's Bible Story Book has been a best-selling title for years. Tommy Nelson is re-releasing this popular title with a new, brighter cover. Nearly 300 action packed stories make all the favorite Bible characters spring to life.


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Thomas Nelson


  • 1 God Makes Everything
  • 2 It Looks Good
  • 3 The First Man and Woman
  • 4 The Garden of Eden
  • 5 All for a Piece of Fruit
  • 6 Out of Eden
  • 7 Two Brothers
  • 8 The First Murder
  • 9 Noah Builds a Boat
  • 10 The Voyage of the Ark
  • 11 The Rescue
  • 12 The End of the Storm
  • 13 The City Builders
  • 14 Higher than the Clouds
  • 15 God Chooses Abram
  • 16 The Promise of God
  • 17 On the Way to Sodom
  • 18 Lot Is Rescued
  • 19 Isaac Is Born
  • 20 Abraham and Isaac
  • 21 True Trust
  • 22 Saved in Time
  • 23 Mission Impossible
  • 24 Rebekah
  • 25 Twin Brothers
  • 26 An Expensive Meal
  • 27 Rebekah Is Cunning
  • 28 A Family Is Divided
  • 29 The Wrestling Match and Jacob's New Name
  • 30 Fighting in the Tent
  • 31 Joseph's Dream
  • 32 In the Well
  • 33 On the Way to Egypt
  • 34 Joseph Must Work Hard
  • 35 In Prison
  • 36 The Dreams of Two Men
  • 37 The Pharaoh's Dream
  • 38 Fat and Skinny Cows
  • 39 Joseph Helps Pharaoh
  • 40 The Brothers Learn Their Lesson
  • 41 Benjamin May Go Along
  • 42 The Stolen Cup
  • 43 The Truth Comes Out
  • 44 A Baby in a Boat
  • 45 Saved by a Princess
  • 46 Moses Strikes a Blow for Freedom
  • 47 The Bush Which Caught Fire Without a Match
  • 48 A Hundred and One Excuses
  • 49 Pharaoh Says No
  • 50 God Promises Action
  • 51 Terrible Plagues
  • 52 The Last Plague
  • 53 The Jewish Passover
  • 54 God Leads the Way
  • 55 A Wall of Waves
  • 56 Nothing to Drink
  • 57 Nothing to Eat
  • 58 God on the Mountain
  • 59 The First Ten Commandments
  • 60 God Cares for His People
  • 61 The Golden Calf
  • 62 The Second Ten Commandments
  • 63 Within Sight of the Promised Land
  • 64 We Are Not Strong Enough
  • 65 The Forty-year Punishment
  • 66 The Choice of Life or Death
  • 67 The Song and Last Days of Moses
  • 68 I Spy the Enemy
  • 69 The Spies Escape
  • 70 Saved by a Red Cord
  • 71 On the Edge of the Promised Land
  • 72 Crossing the River Jordan
  • 73 The Battle Won with Trumpets
  • 74 The Wise Woman under the Palm Tree
  • 75 Who Will Kill Sisera?
  • 76 Gideon Begins His Work
  • 77 It Takes Fewer Men to Win the Battle
  • 78 Listening in the Night
  • 79 Trumpets and Torches
  • 80 Fighting with a Lion
  • 81 Samson Tells a Riddle
  • 82 Samson and Delilah
  • 83 The Strongest Man Wins
  • 84 A Bad Time
  • 85 A Woman of Loyalty
  • 86 Ruth Goes to Work
  • 87 The Great-grandmother of a King
  • 88 Waiting for a Baby
  • 89 Peninnah Hurts Hannah
  • 90 A Prayer from the Heart
  • 91 Baby Samuel
  • 92 Hannah Leaves Samuel with Eli
  • 93 Becoming a Priest
  • 94 Samuel Hears God's Voice
  • 95 The Lost Donkeys
  • 96 The Big Secret
  • 97 Saul Becomes King
  • 98 God Chooses a New King
  • 99 David Cares for Saul
  • 100 The Giant
  • 101 Goliath's Insults
  • 102 David the Giant-Killer
  • 103 King Saul Is Jealous
  • 104 Friends for Life
  • 105 Jonathan Saves David's Life
  • 106 Alone in a Cave
  • 107 Everything Is Lost
  • 108 David Loses Saul and Jonathan
  • 109 David Is Crowned
  • 110 The Ark of God Arrives in Jerusalem
  • 111 David Becomes a Murderer
  • 112 The Broken King
  • 113 The Young King
  • 114 Solomon's Dream
  • 115 The Baby with Two Mothers
  • 116 A Temple for the Lord
  • 117 The Visit of the Queen of Sheba
  • 118 The Contest
  • 119 Fire and Rain
  • 120 The Chariot of Fire
  • 121 A Strange Way to Cross a River
  • 122 The Bottomless Jar of Oil
  • 123 Runaway from God
  • 124 Storm at Sea
  • 125 The Big Fish
  • 126 Jonah Changes His Mind
  • 127 God Is Good
  • 128 Jeremiah Stays Behind
  • 129 A Special School
  • 130 Being Different
  • 131 A Test of Faith
  • 132 Passing the Test
  • 133 The Wizards
  • 134 What Does the King's Dream Mean?
  • 135 A Never-Ending Kingdom
  • 136 Three Brave Men
  • 137 The Blazing Furnace
  • 138 The King's Feast
  • 139 Writing on the Wall
  • 140 The Lions' Den
  • 141 The Proud King
  • 142 Queen Vashti's Refusal
  • 143 Miss Persia
  • 144 The Jews Must Die
  • 145 Esther Has a Plan
  • 146 Esther Saves Her People
  • 147 Haman Is Hung
  • 148 A Chance to Survive
  • 149 Fighting Back
  • 150 An Angel Visits a Young Girl
  • 151 A Trip over the Mountains
  • 152 Beside the Well
  • 153 Joseph's Dream
  • 154 Jesus Is Born
  • 155 The Shepherds
  • 156 The Star That Led to the Baby's Cradle
  • 157 Gifts for a King
  • 158 He Will Be Called a Nazarene
  • 159 Joseph and Mary Lose Jesus
  • 160 Jesus Is Baptized
  • 161 Jesus and His Friend
  • 162 The Enemy of God Tempts Jesus
  • 163 The First Disciples
  • 164 This Is How to Catch Fish
  • 165 There's No More Wine!
  • 166 The Unholy Temple
  • 167 He Is the Water of Life
  • 168 The Woman at the Well
  • 169 Four Men on the Roof
  • 170 The Tax Collector Says Yes
  • 171 Waiting for a Miracle
  • 172 The Twelve Men Set Apart
  • 173 True Happiness
  • 174 Do You Know How to Be Salt?
  • 175 The Treasure Hunt
  • 176 How to Build a House
  • 177 A Special Act
  • 178 Planting Seeds
  • 179 Planting Seeds in the Right Places
  • 180 The Difference between Wheat and Weeds
  • 181 Mustard Seed and Yeast
  • 182 The Storm
  • 183 The Other Side
  • 184 The Wild Man in the Graveyard
  • 185 More People Are Healed
  • 186 The Weak King
  • 187 To a Quiet Place
  • 188 Teaching Thousands
  • 189 Food for the Hungry
  • 190 The Boy Whose Lunch Fed Thousands
  • 191 Jesus Walks on Water
  • 192 Peter Walks on Water
  • 193 The Faith of a Foreigner
  • 194 A Blind Man Healed at Bethsaida
  • 195 The Rock Man
  • 196 Moses and Elijah
  • 197 The Children Come First
  • 198 Not Alone
  • 199 The Healed Leper
  • 200 Why Not Say Thank You?
  • 201 A Second Chance
  • 202 The Good Samaritan
  • 203 Martha and Mary
  • 204 The Good Shepherd
  • 205 Lazarus Lives
  • 206 The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin
  • 207 The Loving Father
  • 208 Coming Home
  • 209 Money Lovers
  • 210 The Rich Man and Lazarus
  • 211 More Lessons about Prayer
  • 212 Broken Homes
  • 213 Let the Children Come to Me
  • 214 The Rich Young Man
  • 215 Who Comes First?
  • 216 The Workers in the Vineyard
  • 217 The Little Man in the Tree
  • 218 A Job Well Done
  • 219 Mary's Act of Love
  • 220 The Big Parade
  • 221 Jerusalem! Jerusalem!
  • 222 Cleaning Out the Temple
  • 223 Healing in the Temple
  • 224 Who Gave the Most?
  • 225 The Five Careless Bridesmaids
  • 226 Judas
  • 227 Preparing the Last Passover
  • 228 Who Is Greatest?
  • 229 The Servant King
  • 230 The Reason Why
  • 231 The Lord's Supper
  • 232 When the Cock Crows
  • 233 A Home in Heaven
  • 234 Jesus Prays for His Followers
  • 235 Betrayed by a Kiss
  • 236 Peter Fights Back
  • 237 Jesus Is Taken Prisoner
  • 238 Peter's Great Mistake
  • 239 Jesus and Pilate
  • 240 Jesus and Herod
  • 241 Pilate Tries to Free Jesus
  • 242 The Death Sentence
  • 243 They Make Fun of Jesus
  • 244 The Weeping Women
  • 245 Jesus on the Cross
  • 246 The Last Moments
  • 247 The Death of Jesus
  • 248 The Temple Curtain Splits in Two
  • 249 The Burial
  • 250 Guards at the Tomb
  • 251 An Empty Tomb
  • 252 Mary Magdalene Sees Jesus
  • 253 The Disciples See Jesus
  • 254 The Story of Thomas
  • 255 Breakfast by the Sea
  • 256 Do You Really Love Me?
  • 257 Home to the Father
  • 258 A Time of Waiting
  • 259 The Helper
  • 260 Healing and Teaching
  • 261 Peter and John in Trouble
  • 262 An Angel Frees the Apostles
  • 263 The Apostles Are Questioned
  • 264 Stephen Is Not Afraid
  • 265 The Road to Damascus
  • 266 A Sheet Full of Animals
  • 267 Peter Visits an Army Officer
  • 268 Good News for Everyone
  • 269 Peter Escapes from Prison
  • 270 Paul as a Preacher
  • 271 Singing in the Prison
  • 272 Paul Is Warned
  • 273 Paul Speaks to the Mob
  • 274 Paul Must Die!
  • 275 Shipwrecked!
  • 276 Safe in Malta
  • 277 Rome at Last
  • 278 Special Messages
  • 279 God's New World

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