
The Pilgrim's Progress - Audio Drama - AO Year 3 Only

by John Bunyan Author

(From Amazon): The #1 best-selling book of all time, other than the Holy Bible! A unique, fully dramatized presentation of John Bunyan's classic book, Pilgrim's Progress! Aside from the Bible itself, no other book has touched as many lives as Pilgrim's Progress. It is our hope that the message contained here will inspire your walk with Jesus Christ, the Creator and Redeemer of mankind! This fun and edifying unabridged reading of the original English work features over 50 voice actors plus emotion-touching music and sound effects. Excellent for personal entertainment, family listening and the memory-building discussions that are sure to follow!


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
1st - 12th
Answers in Genesis


  • 4 (Disc 3) - wk2 - Evangelist Reunion
  • 5 (Disc 3) - wk3 - Vanity Fair
  • 6 (Disc 3) - wk4 - Hubbub in the Fair
  • 7 (Disc 3) - wk5 - In the Cage
  • 8 (Disc 3) - wk6 - Trial of Faithful
  • 9 (Disc 3) - wk8 - His Defense and Death
  • 10 (Disc 3) - wk9 - Hopeful & Mr. By-Ends
  • 11 (Disc 3) - wk10 - By-End's Friends
  • 12 (Disc 3) - wk11 - Money-Love Vs. Christian
  • 1 (Disc 4) - wk12 - Hill of Lucre & Demas
  • 2 (Disc 4) - wk14 - By-Path Meadow
  • 3 (Disc 4) - wk15 - Giant Despair
  • 4 (Disc 4) - wk16 - Doubling Castle
  • 5 (Disc 4) - wk17 - Castly-Yard Bones
  • 6 (Disc 4) - wk18 - Escape from Castle
  • 7 (Disc 4) - wk20 - Mountains & Shepherds
  • 8 (Disc 4) - wk21 - Ignorance
  • 9 (Disc 4) - wk22 - Turn-Away & Little-Faith
  • 10 (Disc 4) - wk23 - Christian and Hopeful
  • 11 (Disc 4) - wk24 - Great-Grace
  • 12 (Disc 4) - wk25 - Flatterer & Shining One
  • 13 (Disc 4) - wk26 - Atheist
  • 1 (Disc 5) - wk27 - Enchanted Grounds
  • 2 (Disc 5) - wk28 - Hopeful's Testimony
  • 3 (Disc 5) - wk29 - Argument With Ignorance
  • 4 (Disc 5) - wk30 - Of Ignorance
  • 5 (Disc 5) - wk31 - Temporary (Backsliding)
  • 6 (Disc 5) - wk32 - Reulah Land
  • 7 (Disc 5) - wk33 - River of Death
  • 8 (Disc 5) - wk34 - Shining Ones
  • 9 (Disc 5) - wk35 - Heaven (Celestial City)
  • 10 (Disc 5) - wk36 - Conclusion

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