
Right Brain Phonics Reading Book

by Dianne Craft Author

(From Amazon): If you have tried all the phonics games and done hundreds of phonics worksheets and your child still doesn't remember phonics sounds, your child needs this Right Brain Phonics Program! The Right Brain Phonics Program is a new approach to reading that turns word guessers into word readers. Originally developed for children with Dyslexia, this program can be done in as little as 20 minutes a day! The book comes with over 140 color pages, including 5 pages of instruction. Contains primary through intermediate words. Children who struggle with the process of learning to read usually have an auditory processing glitch. They have difficulty remembering the phonics sounds even after much review and phonics games. This is because the left hemisphere of the brain - which is supposed to store the sounds - is not doing the job that it should. Because of this problem these children often become "word guessers" when they read. What is the difference between a Right Brain Phonics Program and a Left Brain Phonics Program? Most left brain phonics programs rely heavily on auditory memory for the phonics sounds. They may provide cards with the letter combination (au/aw) written on the front of the card with no picture. On the other side of the card is a picture that gives the sound of the letter combination. In this process, there is no velcro for the child with an auditory glitch. The Right Brain Phonics Program provides cards with the letter combination (au/aw) superimposed upon the picture that gives that sound. Because the sound and picture are on the same side of the card and is taught as a unit when the child sees a word with the letter combination (au/aw) on it the picture is retrieved along with the letters since they were stored as a unit. When a student sees the "au/aw" in a long word he can see in his mind's eye the picture behind the combination, helping him to easily retrieve the sound.


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In Print
Child Diagnostics, Inc.


  • 0-1 Part 1 - Learn letters and letter combinations (not listed)
  • 0-2 Part 2 - Reading the Pages (listed below)
  • 1 a
  • 2 a
  • 3 a
  • 4 e
  • 5 e
  • 6 e
  • 7 i
  • 8 i
  • 9 i
  • 10 o
  • 11 o
  • 12 u
  • 13 u
  • 14 Beginning Blends
  • 15 Beginning Blends
  • 16 Ending Blends
  • 17 st
  • 18 Mixed Blends Review
  • 19 Mixed Blends Review
  • 20 Mixed Blends Review
  • 21 Ending Blends
  • 22 nk
  • 23 Beginning Triple Blends
  • 24 Consonant Blend Review
  • 25 Consonant Blend Review
  • 26 Consonant Blend Review
  • 27 Consonant Blend Review
  • 28 Mixed Blend Reading Practice
  • 29 Mixed Blend Reading Practice
  • 30 wh
  • 31 ll, ss
  • 32 ss
  • 33 ll ff
  • 34 ss ff
  • 35 all
  • 36 Compound Words
  • 37 oo, ew
  • 38 ing
  • 39 ang, ong
  • 40 ung
  • 41 2 Syllable Words
  • 42 2 Syllable Words
  • 43 Detached Syllables
  • 44 Detached Syllables
  • 45 2 Syllable Words with Blends
  • 46 et
  • 47 Magic "e"
  • 48 Magic "e"
  • 49 Magic "e"
  • 50 Magic "e"
  • 51 Magic "e"
  • 52 Magic "e"
  • 53 Magic "e"
  • 54 Magic "e" review
  • 55 Magic "e" review
  • 56 Magic "e" in detached syllables
  • 57 Magic "e" in 2 syllable words
  • 58 Magic "e" in 2 syllable words
  • 59 Magic "e" in 2 syllable words
  • 60 oo, ew
  • 61 oo, ew
  • 62 ea
  • 63 ea
  • 64 ea
  • 65 ea
  • 66 ea
  • 67 ear
  • 68 oa
  • 69 ai
  • 70 ai
  • 71 ai
  • 72 ee
  • 73 ay
  • 74 y=i
  • 75 ind
  • 76 ow/ou
  • 77 ow/ou
  • 78 ow/ou
  • 79 ire are
  • 80 igh
  • 81 old/olt/ost
  • 82 y=ee
  • 83 ar
  • 84 ar
  • 85 or
  • 86 or
  • 87 ore
  • 88 ir/er/ur
  • 89 ir/er/ur
  • 90 ir/er/ur
  • 91 ir/er/ur
  • 92 ir/er/ur
  • 93 ir/er/ur
  • 94 aw/au
  • 95 aw/au
  • 96 aw/au
  • 97 aw/au
  • 98 oi/oy
  • 99 oi/oy
  • 100 oi/oy
  • 101 a
  • 102 qu
  • 103 ie=ee
  • 104 ought/aught
  • 105 ex
  • 106 en
  • 107 un
  • 108 in
  • 109 mis
  • 110 us
  • 111 ge=j
  • 112 ge-j
  • 113 dge=j
  • 114 ic
  • 115 ce=s
  • 116 ce=s, ci=s
  • 117 ea
  • 118 con
  • 119 con
  • 120 pre
  • 121 are
  • 122 ment
  • 123 al
  • 124 ent
  • 125 ant
  • 126 ance
  • 127 ance
  • 128 ence
  • 129 ous
  • 130 able
  • 131 ible
  • 132 ally
  • 133 sion
  • 134 sion
  • 135 tion
  • 136 tion
  • 137 tion
  • 138 ph=f
  • 139 ive
  • 140 y=i
  • 141 ture
  • 142 tu
  • 143 ci="sh"
  • 144 ti=sh
  • 145 i=ee
  • 146 i=ee
  • 147 i=y
  • 148 ch=k
  • 149 ch=k

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