Louis Pasteur: Founder of Modern Medicine [SCM]
by John Hudson Tiner Author
This Christian biography traces in exciting detail the events in the life of Louis Pasteur. Learn about his early life as the son of a obscure country tanner. Experience his years of struggle as an unknown scientist. Enjoy his triumph as one of the world's most celebrated heroes.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0880621591
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 15
- Pages
- 182
- Suggested Grades
- 7th - 9th
- Geographical Setting
- France
- Historical Setting
- 1822 - 1895
- Publisher
- Mott Media
- Edition
- Sower Biographies Series
- Copyright
- 1991
- 1 City of a Thousand Dreams
- 2 On the Verge of Mysteries
- 3 Winning Marie
- 4 The Birth of Microbiology
- 5 Only From Life Arises Life
- 6 Pasteur's Choice: To Benefit Mankind
- 7 Disease in the Golden Trees
- 8 So Much Still to Do
- 9 Warning: Germs Are Deadly
- 10 What Is Killing Our Sheep
- 11 Solving the Mystery of Vaccination
- 12 All France Awaits the Results
- 13 The Conquest of Rabies
- 14 I Have Done What I Could
- 15 Louis Pasteur in Today's World
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