A Water Snake's Year [SCM]
by Doris Gove Author
A handsome look at a hypothetical year in the life of a Northern Water Snake. Readers follow her from her winter-long hibernation underground through a cycle of rousing, feeding, shedding, mating, giving birth, and returning to her hibernation spot.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 068931597X
- Print Status
- Out of Print
- Pages
- 40
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 3rd
- Publisher
- Atheneum
- Copyright
- 1991
User Reviews
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Reviewed by Parent/Teacher
This book was loaded with great things about a water snake, however I didn't appreciate the discussion of how the "boy" snakes "like" her and later how she gives birth to them. I understand that to some those are important things to know about how a snake takes care of young, or doesn't in this case, but the way that they tell in detail was what I could skip. Which I did. So beware that there are those parts of this book that you might not want to tell to your little one(s).