Wrong Way, Jonah! (Discover 4 Yourself® Inductive Bible Studies for Kids)
by Kay Arthur Author
(From Amazon): From bestselling author Kay Arthur and dynamic Bible teacher Janna Arndt comes a completely revised Discover 4 Yourself® Bible study on the book of Jonah (over 50,000 copies sold). Kids team up with Max and Molly and begin the greatest adventure ever! They'll even meet a man who spent three days in the belly of a great fish. As they investigate Jonah's story, they'll learn aboutGod's great love and compassionthe importance of obedience repentance With pad and pencil in hand, kids will travel to Nineveh to get the scoop on Jonah, the prophet who tried to go the wrong way. Complete with puzzles and games to keep kids thinking, Wrong Way, Jonah! helps kids better understand this exciting biblical story.The Discover 4 Yourself® Bible study series engages kids and challenges them to get to know God's Word better in fun and meaningful ways.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9780736928199
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 5
- Pages
- 128
- Suggested Grades
- 3rd - 6th
- Publisher
- Harvest House Publishers
- Copyright
- 2010
- http://store.precept.org/p-913-wrong-way-jonah....
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