
The Bible Story Volume II

by World Wide Church of God Author


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
4th - 12th


  • 1 The Tabernacle Built
  • 2 The Levitical Priesthood
  • 3 Laws of Health
  • 4 The Plan of Salvation
  • 5 Choose you this Day
  • 6 Israel breaks camp
  • 7 Quail for two million
  • 8 Twelve Scouts Search Canaan
  • 9 Scouts report seeing giants!
  • 10 Mob Attacks Moses
  • 11 Rebels challenge God's Government
  • 12 The Earth opened its mouth
  • 13 On to Canaan again
  • 14 The Troublesome Road to Canaan
  • 15 War with the Amorites
  • 16 King's Ransom temps a prophet
  • 17 Balaam's Four Prophecies
  • 18 Victory East of the Jordan
  • 19 The Constitution of Israel
  • 20 Joshua now leads Israel
  • 21 The Promised Land
  • 22 Walls of Jericho fall
  • 23 One Man's Sin
  • 24 Conquest of Bethel and Al
  • 25 And The Sun Stood Still

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