The Sassmannshaus Tradition: Early Start on the Violin, Volume 1
by Egon Sassmannshaus Author, Kurt Sassmannshaus Translator
(From Amazon): Note reading is introduced from the beginning, and accidentals are explained in the easiest way in the first volume. By the end of the first book, many English children's songs using all fingers have been played and note values from whole to eighth notes have been introduced. Even the easiest exercises are underlaid with text so that melodies can be perceived as a whole. The authors The original German violin method was first published in 1976. The author Egon Sassmannshaus is one of the most experienced and renowned violin pedagogues in Germany . For the new English edition his son Kurt Sassmannshaus worked as co-author and adapted his father's successful method for English-speaking children. The combined knowledge and experience of father and son make the four volumes of the Sassmannshaus Tradition the most thoroughly researched and thought-through beginner violin method in the world.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9790006536405
- Print Status
- In Print
- Songs
- 98
- Pages
- 64
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 5th
- Publisher
- Baerenreiter Verlag
- Edition
- 2011
- Copyright
- 2008 (English)
- 1 (Musical Notation)
- 2 Open Strings - E Street
- 3 Open Strings - A Street
- 4 Open Strings - D Street
- 5 Open Strings - G Street
- 6 The Quarter Rest - Tick, Tock
- 7 String Crossing - Cable Car
- 8 More Open Strings - Happy Birds
- 9 More Open Strings - Hello Mother
- 10 More Open Strings - I Can Play the A String
- 11 (Second Finger)
- 12 Second Finger - What's Your Name
- 13 Second Finger - Rain, Rain Go Away - Start on E
- 14 Second Finger - Rain, Rain Go Away - Start on A
- 15 (Fourth Finger)
- 16 Fourth Finger - Bring Your Sled - open string
- 17 Fourth Finger - Bring Your Sled - fourth finger
- 18 The Triad - Teddy Bear - open string
- 19 The Triad - Teddy Bear - fourth finger
- 20 The Triad - Pat-a-Cake - open string
- 21 The Triad - Pat-a-Cake - fourth finger
- 22 The Triad - Dearest Cuckoo - open string
- 23 The Triad - Dearest Cuckoo - fourth finger
- 24 The Triad - O and Two
- 25 The Triad - Hee-Haw
- 26 The Triad - Pit A Pat Rain - open string
- 27 The Triad - Pit A Pat Rain - fourth finger
- 28 (First Finger)
- 29 First Finger - Fuzzy Teddy Bear - Start on E
- 30 First Finger - Fuzzy Teddy Bear - Start on A
- 31 First Finger - Teddy Bear, Come Home With Me
- 32 First Finger - Little Peter Rabbit
- 33 First Finger - Hot Cross Buns
- 34 First Finger - A Finger Exercise on All Strings - E
- 35 First Finger - A Finger Exercise on All Strings - A
- 36 First Finger - A Finger Exercise on All Strings - D
- 37 First Finger - A Finger Exercise on All Strings - G
- 38 Fingerings on Different Strings - start on E
- 39 Fingerings on Different Strings - start on A
- 40 Fingerings on Different Strings - Ring Around the Rosy
- 41 Fingerings on Different Strings - Bye, Baby Bunting
- 42 Fingerings on Different Strings - Dog, Stop Barking - start on A
- 43 Fingerings on Different Strings - Dog, Stop Barking - start on D
- 44 Fingerings on Different Strings - We are on Vacation!
- 45 Fingerings on Different Strings - Come to the Zoo
- 46 (Third Finger)
- 47 Third Finger - Now we learn the number three
- 48 Third Finger - O three
- 49 Third Finger - Up the Ladder
- 50 Third Finger - All the Little Hamsters - start on A
- 51 Third Finger - All the Little Hamsters - start on D
- 52 Accidentals - G Major scales - quarter notes
- 53 Accidentals - D Major scales - quarter notes
- 54 Accidentals - A Major scales - quarter notes
- 55 Scales on 2 Strings - G Major scales - half notes
- 56 Scales on 2 Strings - D Major scales - half notes
- 57 Scales on 2 Strings - A Major scales - half notes
- 58 More - Mary Had a Little Lamb
- 59 More - Good Night Noisy Cricket!
- 60 More - There's a cricket
- 61 More - Eighth Notes
- 62 More - There's a Hippo
- 63 More - Bought me a Cat
- 64 More - Bye Baby Bunting
- 65 More - Old Bald Eagle
- 66 More - Who's That
- 67 More - Down at the Station
- 68 More - Old MacDonald
- 69 More - Cuckoo Exercise
- 70 More - Cuckoo
- 71 More - Ode to Joy (Beethoven)
- 72 More - Canon - solo - start on D
- 73 More - Canon - with others - start on D
- 74 More - Canon - solo - start on A
- 75 More - Canon - with others - start on A
- 76 More - Canon - solo - start on G
- 77 More - Canon - with others - start on G
- 78 More - Are You Sleeping? / Frere Jacques) - solo
- 79 More - Are You Sleeping? / Frere Jacques) - with others
- 80 More - Come See the Clown
- 81 More - London Bridge
- 82 More - Rocky Mountain
- 83 New Stroke Patterns - Exercise
- 84 New Stroke Patterns - Whole Bows and Half Bows
- 85 New Stroke Patterns - That's One HOT Potato - start on D
- 86 New Stroke Patterns - That's One HOT Potato - start on G
- 87 New Stroke Patterns - Lightly Row
- 88 New Stroke Patterns - Lightly Row - Variation
- 89 New Stroke Patterns - Slurred Notes - exercise 1
- 90 New Stroke Patterns - Slurred Notes - exercise 2
- 91 New Stroke Patterns - Slurred Notes - exercise 3
- 92 New Stroke Patterns - Slurred Notes - exercise 4
- 93 New Stroke Patterns - Slurred Notes - exercise 5
- 94 New Stroke Patterns - Slurs on Scales - A Scale
- 95 New Stroke Patterns - Slurs on Scales - G Scale
- 96 New Stroke Patterns - A Scale in broken thirds
- 97 New Stroke Patterns - Go Tell Aunt Rhody
- 98 The Portato Stroke - Eansy Weensy Spider
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