Math Mammoth Grade 2A
by Maria Miller Author
The four main areas of study for second grade are: 1.Understanding of the base-ten system within 1000. This includes place value with three-digit numbers, skip- counting in fives, tens, and multiples of hundreds, tens, and ones (within 1000). (chapters 6 and 8); 2.Develop fluency with addition and subtraction within 100, including solving word problems, regrouping in addition, and regrouping in subtraction (chapters 1, 3, 4, and 8); 3.Using standard units of measure (chapter 7); 4.Describing and analyzing shapes (chapter 5). Additional topics we study are time/clock (chapter 2), money (chapter 9), introduction to multiplication (chapter 10), and bar graphs and picture graphs (in various chapters).
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Ebook
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 57
- Suggested Grades
- 2nd - 3rd
- Edition
- 3.0
- Copyright
- 2007-2013
- http://www.mathmammoth.com
- 1 Some Review
- 2 The 100-Chart and More Review
- 3 Fact Families
- 4 Ordinal Numbers
- 5 Even and Odd Numbers
- 6 Doubling
- 7 One-Half
- 8 Adding with Whole Tens
- 9 Subtracting Whole Tens
- 10 Review
- 11 Review-Whole and Half Hours
- 12 The Minutes
- 13 The Minutes, Part 2
- 14 Past and Till in Five-Minute Intervals
- 15 How Many Hours Pass?
- 16 The Calendar: Weekdays and Months
- 17 The Calendar: Dates
- 18 Review
- 19 Review: Completing the Next Whole Ten
- 20 Review: Going Over Ten
- 21 Adding with 9
- 22 Adding with 8
- 23 Adding with 7
- 24 Adding with 6
- 25 Review- Facts with 6, 7 and 8
- 26 Subtract to 10
- 27 Difference and How Many More
- 28 Number Rainbows - 11 and 12
- 29 Fact Families with 11
- 30 Fact Families with 12
- 31 Number Rainbows - 13 and 14
- 32 Fact Families with 15
- 33 Fact Families with 16
- 34 Fact Families with 17 and 18
- 35 Mixed Review
- 36 Review
- 37 Going Over to the Next Ten
- 38 Add with Two-Digit Numbers Ending in 9
- 39 Add a Two-Digit Number and a Single-Digit Number Mentally
- 40 Regrouping with Tens
- 41 Add in Columns Practice
- 42 Mental Addition of Two-Digit Numbers
- 43 Adding Three or Four Numbers Mentally
- 44 Adding Three or Four Numbers in Columns
- 45 Mixed Review
- 46 Review
- 47 Shapes Review
- 48 Surprises with Shapes
- 49 Rectangles and Squares
- 50 Making Shapes
- 51 Geometric Patterns
- 52 Solids
- 53 Printable Shapes
- 54 Some Fractions
- 55 Comparing Fractions
- 56 Mixed Review
- 57 Review
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