Your Business Math: Sports Store Kit [SCM]
by Sonya Shafer Author
A living math review for ages 8-12. Students own a store and do the math to calculate orders, sales tax, pay bills, and keep track of their bank account -- with some surprises along the way! Free teacher's book with answers.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781616340384
- Print Status
- In Print
- Sections
- 14
- Pages
- 183
- Suggested Grades
- 4th - 6th
- Publisher
- Simply Charlotte Mason
- Edition
- Your Business Math Series
- Copyright
- 2006
- 1 Start Up
- 2 January
- 3 February
- 4 March
- 5 April
- 6 May
- 7 June
- 8 July
- 9 August
- 10 September
- 11 October
- 12 November
- 13 December
- 14 Year End
User Reviews
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Reviewed by Parent/Teacher
If you have used one of Sonya Shafer's Business Math courses, you will not be disappointed with this one either. We had originally gotten this specific one for our teenage son, and then after having done the Pet Store Kit, our teenage daughter asked if she too could do the Sports Store Kit. Of course we encouraged this! This is the first time in years that she has enjoyed math! So, now she is doing this math course as well. We are blessed to be able to find this math series, and are encouraging others to use it themselves!