

by Amy Rienow Author

(From Amazon): Written for the young woman who has a “so what?” attitude toward Christ, this eye-opening Bible study helps the reader discover that what she’s always known truly matters to what she goes through every day. Most young women who’ve spent any time in the church know the fundamental truths. They know who they are in Christ, and that they should find their identity in Him rather than beauty, popularity, or boys. They know they are called to be holy, and therefore should not be conformed to the world. In fact, many of them could give their elders a run for their money in discussions about the Bible. But you’ll be hard pressed to find many young women who have learned to live out the important truths they’ve heard all their lives. And that’s where this book comes in—it helps it all make sense. The author writes: “Every time I read the list [of things I had in Christ], I had the same emotional response: ‘So what?’ So what if I am beautiful in Christ, that does not solve the problem that I always seem to be the one without the boyfriend. So what that I am a new creation in Christ, I don’t feel that way when I’m struggling with the same problems every day. So what if Christ died for me, didn’t He die for everyone? Despite all my efforts, I couldn’t make my knowledge of this list—which I knew to be true—make any difference in my daily life.”


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Chapters & Discussions
Suggested Grades
6th - 10th
Kregel Publications

Chapters & Discussions

  • * Introduction: Do You Shine?
  • 1 Section 1: Believe With Your Head: Understanding God's Truth
  • * The World Around Us: Shine Like a Star
  • * The Child Within Us: The Real You
  • 2 Section 2: Believe With Your Heart: Trusting God's Truth
  • * American Idol(s): Who's on the Throne?
  • * Lies From the Darkside: Follow the Light
  • 3 Believe With Your Hands: Doing God's Truth
  • * Living in Submission: Trust and Obey
  • * Loving by Doing: The JOY of the Lord
  • Conclusion: He is Enough
  • Leader's Guide

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