
The Ocean Book [With 24" Pull-Out Color Poster] (Wonders of Creation)

by Frank Sherwin Author

(From Amazon): The oceans may well be Earth's final frontier. These dark and sometimes mysterious waters cover 71 percent of the surface area of the globe and have yet to be fully explored, Under the waves, a watery world of frail splendor, foreboding creatures, and sights beyond imagination awaits. The Ocean Book will teach you about: Giant squid and other "monsters" of the seas Centuries of ocean exploration Hydrothermal vents The ingredients that make up the ocean Harnessing the ocean's energy Icebergs Coral reefs Ships, submarines, and other ocean vessels The major ocean currents El Nino, whirlpools, and hurricanes Harvesting the oceans' resources Whales, dolphins, fish, and other sea creatures Learning about the oceans and their hidden contents can be exciting and rewarding. The abundance and diversity of life, the wealth of resources, and the simple mysteries there have intrigued explorers and scientist for centuries. A better understanding of our oceans ensures careful conservation of their grandeur and beauty for future generations, and leads to a deeper respect for the delicate balance of life on planet Earth. 80 pages 8 3/8 X 10 7/8 four-color interior Casebound Frank Sherwin specializes in parasitology at the Institute for Creation Research. Previously, he taught human physiology and anatomy, medical microbiology, parasitology, general biology, and cell biology for nine years at Pensacola Christian College. He is a Member of the American Society of Parasitologists and the Helminthological Society of Washington.


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