Developing Critical Thinking Through Science: Book 1
by June Main Author
(From Amazon): No-cost, easy-to-use activities teach physical science and develop scientific thinking! Developing Critical Thinking through Science presents standards-based, hands-on, minds-on activities that help s
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9780894554247
- Print Status
- In Print
- Activities
- 41
- Pages
- 162
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 3rd
- Publisher
- Critical Thinking Co
- Copyright
- 1991
- 1 What Makes A Group?
- 2 What Is That Sound?
- 3 High and Low, Loud and Soft Sounds
- 4 What Does It Smell Like?
- 5 Tasting Party
- 6 Taste These!
- 7 How Does It Feel?
- 8 Looking Closer-With Magnifiers
- 9 Exploring Water
- 10 Water-A Closer Look
- 11 The Shape of Water
- 12 Same Volume, Different Shape
- 13 Evaporation
- 14 Condensation
- 15 Can It Sink? Can It Float?
- 16 Rounded Water?
- 17 Float A Paper Clip!
- 18 How Do Boats Float?
- 19 Exploring Air
- 20 Air Can Be Anywhere
- 21 Air Does Take Up Space!
- 22 What's in an "Empty" Cup?
- 23 What's in a Bubble?
- 24 Dancing Grapes!
- 25 Fans and Pinwheels
- 26 Streamers
- 27 Parachutes
- 28 Paper Airplanes
- 29 The Strength of Air
- 30 Push and Pull
- 31 Earth-Pull (Gravity)
- 32 How Much Force Does It Take?
- 33 Getting Things Moving, Keeping Them Moving
- 34 Force of Falling Objects
- 35 Force of Rolling Objects
- 36 Position in Space
- 37 The Path of Light
- 38 Blocking the Path of Light
- 39 Indoor Shadows
- 40 Outdoor Shadows
- 41 Mirror Images
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