
Israel Gets a King!

by Phil Visher Author

(From Amazon): In What’s in the Bible? volume 5, Buck Denver and cast take us through 1 and 2 Samuel. The two episodes focus on three of the most influential kings of Israel (Saul, David, and Solomon). And the Tricky Bits section explains the Trinity (after we learn that the Spirit of the Lord fell upon David). The DVD highlights God’s promise to David and how the promise impacts the salvation story. We also see what happens when David (and the other kings) sin against God. Kids learn that there are consequences for sin! From the man who made vegetables talk (and sing, dance, and tell Bible stories) comes an engaging new series that walks kids through the entire Bible! Each DVD is filled with an entertaining cast of characters that bring the most powerful Bible stories to life using humor, animation, creative storytelling, and fun songs. Join VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer on a wild and zany journey and see the world’s most amazing book come to life for a new generation.


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Tyndale Kids


  • 1 The people want a king - 1 Samuel
  • 2 Kings make mistakes, too - 2 Samuel

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