
Artistic Pursuits Grades 4-6 Book 1 Elements of Art and Composition

by Brenda Ellis Author

(From Amazon): From the front cover: "Grades 4-6, Book 1. A comprehensive are program designed to involve the student in the creative process while developing observation skills." From the back cover: "Has four unique projects in each unit; allows students to work independently; introduces the elements of art and composition; shows students how to look at artwork by the masters; demonstrates techniques and processes using pencil, marker, and scratch art; encourages students to explore still life, landscape, figures, animals, imaginative and observational studies,"


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
1st - 8th
Spiral bound


  • 1 Pg 4-6 Intro and Space
  • 2 Pg 7-8 Washington Crosses the Delaware
  • 3 DRAW a scene from your imagination, using proper spacing on page
  • 4 How to Set up and Draw, Landscape orientation
  • 5 Unit 1 Final Project: Copy a photo with the same orientation
  • 6 Line & Shape, Draw a picture from a memory
  • 7 Looking at Line & Shape in art
  • 8 George Catlin; Make an observation drawing
  • 9 What is Subject Matter? Draw a toy.
  • 10 Unit 2 Final Project: Draw your favorite subject using all lines and shapes you see.
  • 11 Texture; Blind walk and draw textured objects. Sensory Awareness.
  • 12 Looking at texture in art
  • 13 Asher B. Durand; Draw an object in nature with texture.
  • 14 Texture techniques; Draw nature objects with textures.
  • 15 Unit 3 Final Project: Draw a natural landscape with textures.
  • 16 Value; Drawing with a magnifying glass or mirror.
  • 17 Value in art, using value as action
  • 18 Frederic Remington; Make an observation drawing using value
  • 19 How to add value to a drawing; Trace then add value independently
  • 20 Unit 4 Final Project: Draw a photo with a value scale
  • 21 Form; Draw 5 similar objects near actual size, showing differences in size and shape
  • 22 Form in art: light and shadow
  • 23 James Audubon, nature artist; Copy Audubon's painting
  • 24 How to show form; Draw a simple object and emphasize form
  • 25 Unit 5 Final Project: Draw with a live animal model, paying attention to form & shape
  • 26 Form using value; shading; Draw a paper sack
  • 27 Looking at Shading and Shadow in Art; Joseph Stella
  • 28 Draw a still life object, use shading to emphasize light and dark
  • 29 How to see Shading and Shadow; Draw one outdoor object showing form by shading. Draw any shadows you observe.
  • 30 Unit 6 Final Project: Draw a 2-object still life using one source of light.
  • 31 Local value; Draw a picture to give as a gift.
  • 32 Looking at Value and Light in Art: Cecilia Beaux
  • 33 Draw a 3-object still life using local value only.
  • 34 How to work with a Neutral Ground; Draw a picture beginning with a neutral ground
  • 35 Unit 7 Final Project: Draw an object showing local value and light effects, with background value.
  • 36 Contrast; Listen and draw what you hear
  • 37 Contrast in folk art; Milton William Hopkins
  • 38 Do a leaf rubbing to create a piece using negative space as part of your design
  • 39 How to make Texture with Scratch Art
  • 40 Unit 8 Final Project: Working from a photo, draw an animal that has texture in fur, feathers or skin. Use Scratch art techniques.
  • 41 Shapes of natural forms; Draw an experience you observed that involves several family members. Draw it as you remember it.
  • 42 Looking at shapes in art; Edward Hicks
  • 43 Draw an animal, beginning with shapes
  • 44 How to best show a subject; Rotate an object then draw using the shape that best describes it.
  • 45 Unit 9 Final Project: Draw a silhouette that clearly shows characteristics of the subject.
  • 46 Edges; Draw a human silhouette.
  • 47 Looking at Edges in Art; Augustin Edouart
  • 48 Draw a human silhouette from a human subject.
  • 49 How to draw in marker; Draw 2 objects, one in fine point marker and one in broad point marker.
  • 50 Unit 10 Final Project: Draw a object silhouette with white pencil. Cut it out and glue it onto white paper. Add a background using markers.
  • 51 Composition
  • 52 Balance; Arrange and draw a group of 3 overlapping objects.
  • 53 Looking at Balance in Art; James Abbott Whistler
  • 54 Draw a kitchen tool on a neutral ground with a single light source. Show balance with shadow.
  • 55 How to show Value with a Marker
  • 56 Draw a simple room interior using lines and marker to show value
  • 57 Unit 11 Final Project: Arrange/draw a group of overlapping objects. Use balance with both pencil and marker.
  • 58 Rhythm; Draw an advertisement.
  • 59 Looking at Rhythm; Paul Revere
  • 60 Draw an event with action, using rhythm.
  • 61 How to make Different Marks for Different Effects; Draw using cross-hatching or pointillism.
  • 62 Unit 12 Final Project: Create a drawing with rhythm.
  • 63 Overlap; Arrange/Draw several objects you are fond of
  • 64 Looking at Overlap; Childe Hassam
  • 65 Use a viewfinder to discover a subject and composition. Draw it.
  • 66 How to Arrange a Still Life; Arrange/draw a still life using overlap
  • 67 Unit 13 Final Project: Overlap fruits and vegetables and draw them.
  • 68 Depth; Work on black paper with a white pencil, drawing a single subject. Complete with texture, shading and lines.
  • 69 Looking at Depth; William Glackens
  • 70 Make a memory drawing of your backyard, using foreground, middle ground and background.
  • 71 Using Hatch Lines with a marker; Draw a scene showing distance.
  • 72 Unit 14 Final Project: Draw a landscape using depth.
  • 73 Proportion, the face; Draw a self-portrait.
  • 74 Looking at the Face; Grant Wood
  • 75 Draw a portrait of yourself and a family member, using objects to show personal detail.
  • 76 How to Draw the Human Face; Use a mirror to draw your own face.
  • 77 Unit 15 Final Project: Draw a portrait of someone you do not know.
  • 78 Movement: Observe/draw a real animal.
  • 79 Looking at movement; John Singleton Copley
  • 80 Visit a zoo or other public place to draw people and animals in motion (with marker).
  • 81 How to use a grid for proportion; Copy a photo using the grid technique.
  • 82 Unit 16 Final Project: Draw an animal in motion from a photo

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