
The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism (No. 2)

by Bennet Kelley Author

(From Amazon): This Catechism retains the text of the Revised Baltimore Catechism, Number 2, but adds abundant explanations to help children understand the difficult parts of each lesson along with pictures to aid in understanding. Intended for grades 6-8.


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
5th - 9th
Catholic Book Publishing Corp
2 Revised


  • 1 The Purpose of Man's Existence
  • 2 God and His Perfections
  • 3 The Unity and Trinity of God
  • 4 Creation and the Angels
  • 5 The Creation and the Fall of Man
  • 6 Actual Sin
  • 7 The Incarnation
  • 8 The Redemption
  • 9 The Holy Spirit and Grace
  • 10 The Virtues and Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • 11 The Catholic Church
  • 12 The Marks and Attributes of the Church
  • 13 The Communion of Saints and the Forgiveness of Sins
  • 14 The Resurrection and Life Everlasting
  • 15 The Two Great Commandments
  • 16 The First Commandment of God
  • 17 Honoring the Saints, Relics, and Images
  • 18 The Second and Third Commandments of God
  • 19 The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Commandments of God
  • 20 The Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Commandments of God
  • 21 The Commandments of the Church: The First & Second Commandments
  • 22 The Third, Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Commandments of the Church
  • 23 The Sacraments
  • 24 Baptism
  • 25 Confirmation
  • 26 The Holy Eucharist
  • 27 The Sacrifice of the Mass
  • 28 Holy Communion
  • 29 Penance
  • 30 Contrition
  • 31 Confession
  • 32 How to Make a Good Confession
  • 33 Temporal Punishment and Indulgences
  • 34 Anointing of the Sick and Holy Orders
  • 35 Matrimony
  • 36 The Sacramentals
  • 37 Prayer
  • 38 The Our Father
  • 39 Why I am a Catholic
  • 40 The Stations of the Cross
  • 41 The Mysteries of the Rosary

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