Make Way for McCloskey: A Robert McCloskey Treasury
by Robert McCloskey Author
(From Amazon): From those famous ducklings to Homer Price's delicious donuts, generations of children have grown up delighting in the timeless stories of Robert McCloskey. Here, for the first time, all of his published works--Make Way for Ducklings, Blueberries for Sal, Lentil, Time of Wonder, One Morning in Maine, Burt Dow, Deep-Water Man, Homer Price and Centerburg Tales--are brought together. With biographical information and photographs, and an introduction by renowned critic Leonard Marcus that outlines McCloskey's career and his unforgettable contribution to children's literature, this collection is an in-depth look at the life and work of an extraordinary children's book legend.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9780670059348
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 144
- Publisher
- Viking Juvenile
- Edition
- First Edition
- Copyright
- 2004
- 13 Make Way for Ducklings
- 29 Blueberries for Sal
- 43 "The Doughnuts" from Homer Price
- 53 Burt Dow, Deep-Water Man
- 75 Lentil
- 89 "Ever So Much More So" from Centerburg Tales
- 99 Time of Wonder
- 119 One Morning in Maine
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