
Uncovering the Logic of English: A Common-Sense Approach to Reading, Spelling, and Literacy

by Denise Eide Author

(From Amazon): Multiple award-winning book on reading and spelling education that will transform how you think about English!Do you know a student who is good at math or science but struggles with reading or spelling?Has a student ever asked you a question about English spelling to which you replied, "That's an exception"?Have you ever abandoned a word while writing because spell check didn't recognize it?Discover this revolutionary method that Dr. Temple Grandin called "really helpful for teaching reading to children who are mathematical pattern thinkers..."Predominant reading methods require students to break the complex code of English without help. This has resulted in low literacy rates and explains why many highly educated professionals cannot spell. By revealing the logical patterns underlying 98% of English words, Uncovering the Logic of English eliminates the need to guess and provides a logical solution to English spelling.Simple answers are given for questions such as: Why is there a silent final E in have? Why don't we drop the E in noticeable? Why is discussion spelled with -sion rather than -tion? As the rules unfold it becomes apparent how this knowledge is vital to reversing the educational crisis that is plaguing America. This slim volume is easy to read and accessible to parents and classroom teachers. A thorough appendix summarizes the most important concepts for quick reference.Awards:ForeWord Reviews - Finalist 2012Midwest Book Awards - Winner 2012Independent Publisher Book Awards - Silver Medalist 2011Indie Excellence Awards - Gold Medalist 2011Benjamin Franklin Awards - Finalist 2012

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In Print
Pedia Learning Inc.
2nd Edition


  • 1 The Problem of English
  • 2 The Literacy Crisis
  • 3 Phonograms: The Building Blocks of Words
  • 4 Consonants, Vowels and Syllables: What They Are and Why They Matter
  • 5 Foundational Consonant Rules
  • 6 Foundational Vowel Rules
  • 7 The Mystery of Silent E's Solved!
  • 8 Words Ending in One Vowel and One Consonant
  • 9 Adding Suffixes to Single Vowel Y Words
  • 10 Adding Suffixes to Any Word
  • 11 The Power of the Latin Spellings of /sh/
  • 12 Decoding Past Tense Verbs
  • 13 Forming Plural Nouns and Singular Verbs
  • 14 Clearing Confusion about al- and -ful
  • 15 The Final Spelling Rules
  • 16 Overcoming Challenges: Creating an Auditory Picture
  • 17 Efficient Spelling and Vocabulary Development
  • 18 Putting It All Together

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