The Road We Must Travel: A Personal Guide for Your Journey
by Francis Chan Author
(From Amazon): Navigating Uncharted Territory? Do you ever wish you had a map of your life with a highlighted route telling you where to go? Do you wish you could ask a mentor for advice about how to get through the roadblocks in your way? The Road We Must Travel brings you thirteen seasoned companions to join you on life’s travels. Authors and pastors including Francis Chan, Bill Hybels, Ruth Haley Barton and Eugene Peterson offer words of encouragement, wisdom, and biblical counsel on circumstances that affect us all. Together these spiritual mentors address questions such as: How do I figure out my calling? What does it look like to listen for the Holy Spirit in my life? How do I live as a Christian in today’s culture? How can I find purpose in suffering? What steps can I take to resolve conflict? How can I break free from my constant busyness? We’re all on the same road trip, heading toward the same destination. With help from those who travel ahead of us, we can find peace and perspective on the journey.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1617952915
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 224
- Publisher
- Worthy Publishing
- Copyright
- 2014
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