The Catholic Faith Comes to the Americas
Republished by Seton Press
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- B007T1U2T2
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 18
- Suggested Grades
- 3rd
- Publisher
- Seton Press
- Copyright
- 1998
- 1 St. Brendan (St. Brendan the Navigator)
- 2 The Discovery of the Americas (Columbus and Isabel)
- 3 Converting Mexico (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
- 4 Converting South America (Early Spanish Explorers, St. Peter Claver, St. Martin de Porres, St. Rose of Lima)
- 5 The French Contribution (The North American Martyrs)
- 6 Exploring the Mississippi (Marquette and Joliet, Rene de La Salle)
- 7 English in America (Lord Baltimore)
- 8 Exploring the Southwest and California (Father Francisco Kino, Father Antonio Margil, Blessed Junipero Serra)
- 9 The Carrolls in the War for Independence (Charles Carroll, Daniel Carroll, John Carroll)
- 10 Catholics in the War for Independence (John Barry, Francisco Vigo, Other Volunteers)
- 11 The Catholic Church Growing in the United States (Demetrius Gallitzin, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
- 12 Three Bishops in a Young Church (Benedict Flaget, Simon Brute, James Bayley)
- 13 Friends of the Indians (Rose Philippine Duchesne, Peter de Smet)
- 14 Oregon Territory (John McLoughin)
- 15 Father of the Catholic Schools (St. John Neumann)
- 16 Sisters in the Civil War and After (Nursing Sisters, Sister Blandina)
- 17 Forgotten People (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, St. Katharine Drexel)
- 18 Irish Christian Brothers Come to American (Brother Edmund Rice, Brother Ignatius Doorley)
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