
Bible Nurture & Reader Series: Stories About Jesus From the Gospel of Luke


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Lesson s

  • 1 The Birth of John Is Announced
  • 2 The Birth of Jesus Is Announced
  • 3 Jesus Is Born
  • 4 The Early Life of Jesus and John
  • 5 Jesus Is Tempted
  • 6 Jesus Teaches and Heals
  • R1 Review 1
  • 7 People Find Fault With Jesus
  • 8 Great Teachings of Jesus
  • 9 Jesus Heals the Ruler's Servants
  • 10 Jesus Visits in Simon's Home
  • 11 Jesus Calms and Heals
  • 12 Jesus Shows His Power and Glory
  • 13 Jesus Teaches the Disciples
  • R2 Review 2
  • 14 Lessons on Love and Prayer
  • 15 Jesus Talks to the Hypocrites
  • 16 Jesus Teaches His Disciples
  • 17 Lessons on Love and Prayer
  • 18 Jesus Heals, Warns, and Teaches
  • R3 Review 3
  • 19 Forgiveness and Salvation Bring Joy
  • 20 The Rich Man and Lazarus
  • 21 Jesus Teaches Great Lessons
  • 22 Whom Can Jesus Help?
  • 23 Zacchaeus and the Nobleman
  • 24 Jesus at Jerusalem
  • R4 Review 4
  • 25 Jesus Answers Jewish Leaders
  • 26 The Passover
  • 27 Jesus in Gethsemane
  • 28 Jesus is Tried and Crucified
  • 29 Jesus' Death, Burial, and Resurrection
  • 30 The Ascension
  • R5 Review 5
  • T Test

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