The Action Bible - Old Testament
by Sergio Cariello Illustrator, Doug Mauss Editor
(From Amazon): Here’s the most complete picture Bible ever! And it features a captivating, up-to-date artwork style—making it the perfect Bible for today’s visually focused culture. The Action Bible presents 215 fast-paced narratives in chronological order, making it easier to follow the Bible’s historical flow—and reinforcing the build-up to its thrilling climax. The stories in The Action Bible communicate clearly and forcefully to contemporary readers. This compelling blend of clear writing plus dramatic images offers an appeal that crosses all age boundaries. Brazilian artist Sergio Cariello has created attention-holding illustrations marked by rich coloring, dramatic shading and lighting, bold and energetic designs, and emotionally charged figures. Let this epic rendition draw you into all the excitement of the world’s most awesome story.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9780781444996
- Print Status
- In Print
- Stories
- 146
- Pages
- 752
- Suggested Grades
- 3rd - 8th
- Publisher
- David C. Cook
- Edition
- New
- Copyright
- 2010
- 1 In the Beginning - p 17
- 2 Tempted in the Garden - p 21
- 3 Brother's Blood Cry - p 24
- 4 Rainy Days - p 30
- 5 A Rainbow Promise - p 35
- 6 A Babbling Tower - p 38
- 7 God's Wager - p 40
- 8 God Calls Abram - p 44
- 9 A Lot Is Too Much - p 48
- 10 Insufficient Sons - p 50
- 11 A Lot Is Not Enough - p 53
- 12 Too Many Sons - p 56
- 13 A Father's Sacrifice - p 60
- 14 A Wife for Isaac - p 64
- 15 Birthright Stew - p 68
- 16 The Stolen Blessing - p 71
- 17 Stairway to Heaven - p 76
- 18 Wife Swap - p 79
- 19 Leavin' Laban - p 82
- 20 Touched by an Angel - p 84
- 21 Homecoming - p 87
- 22 Big Dreams - p 89
- 23 Dreamer for Sale - p 91
- 24 Management Crisis - p 94
- 25 Jailhouse Shock - p 96
- 26 Pharaoh's Man - p 99
- 27 Bringing Benjamin - p 103
- 28 Family Reunion - p 108
- 29 The End of an Era - p 110
- 30 Baby in a Basket - p 112
- 31 Prince on the Run - p 117
- 32 A Burning Bush! - p 121
- 33 Spokesmen for God - p 125
- 34 The Plagues - p 129
- 35 The Final Plague - p 135
- 36 20,000 Egyptians Under the Sea - p 139
- 37 The Complaining Begins - p 145
- 38 "Armed" Battle - p 150
- 39 Good Advice - p 153
- 40 God's Commandments - p 155
- 41 A Golden Calf - p 156
- 42 The Tent of Meeting - p 162
- 43 Sacrifice and Blessing - p 164
- 44 Counting the Numbers p 166
- 45 Quail Coming Out of Their Noses - p 167
- 46 Sibling Rivalry - p 171
- 47 Spy vs. Spy - p 173
- 48 Two Strikes, You're Out - p 181
- 49 The Bronze Snake - p 182
- 50 The Wonderful Win Against Og - p 185
- 51 A Stubborn Mule - and His Donkey - p 187
- 52 A New Leader - p 189
- 53 The Roof of Rahab - p 192
- 54 Entering the Promised Land - p 196
- 55 The Walls of Jericho - p 198
- 56 The Ambush of Ai - p 202
- 57 Stop the Sun - p 204
- 58 A Division Problem - p 206
- 59 Cities of Refuge - p 208
- 60 Left-Handed Judge - p 209
- 61 The Song of Deborah - p 212
- 62 Cowardly Judge - p 216
- 63 God's Enforcer - p 222
- 64 Defying the Philistines - p 228
- 65 A Bad Haircut - p 232
- 66 Bringing Down the House - p 239
- 67 Ruth's Redeemer - p 242
- 68 Wake-up Call - p 248
- 69 Pass the Ark - p 251
- 70 A Miracle at Mizpah - p 255
- 71 Search for a King - p 258
- 72 Saul's Bravery - p 262
- 73 Honeycomb Argument - p 264
- 74 The Final Strike - p 268
- 75 God's New King - p 270
- 76 A Psalming Influence - p 274
- 77 A Giant Challenge - p 276
- 78 The Jealous King - p 282
- 79 A Prince of a Friend - p 287
- 80 The Outlaws of Judah - p 289
- 81 A Fool and His Wife... - p 296
- 82 The Fall of Saul - p 300
- 83 Just Rewards - p 306
- 84 Royal Rivals - p 309
- 85 Assassinations - p 313
- 86 God's New Capital - p 316
- 87 Temple Dreams - p 318
- 88 David's Sin - p 320
- 89 David's Punishment - p 324
- 90 Battling Brothers - p 329
- 91 The Scheming Prince - p 332
- 92 David's Spies - p 337
- 93 O Absalom! - p 343
- 94 Family Plots - p 348
- 95 The Death of God's King - p 352
- 96 Solomon's Wisdom - p 353
- 97 Solomon's Proverbs - p 357
- 98 Solomon's Seasons - p 358
- 99 Solomon's Temple - p 359
- 100 Foreign Fame - p 364
- 101 From Wisdom to Folly - p 367
- 102 A Kingdom Torn in Two - p 370
- 103 A Bad Start for Israel - p 373
- 104 The Wicked Queen and the Defiant Prophet - p 376
- 105 Elijah's Flour Power - p 380
- 106 Battle of the Gods - p 382
- 107 The Sound of Silence - p 388
- 108 Passing the Mantle - p 392
- 109 The Grapes of Envy - p 394
- 110 A Bad Disguise - p 397
- 111 Chariots of Fire - p 400
- 112 A Rash of Miracles - p 403
- 113 A Miracle for a Rash - p 406
- 114 Invisible Army - p 410
- 115 Lepers Under Siege! - p 413
- 116 Anointed Jehu, Painted Jezebel - p 418
- 117 A Queen's Plot - p 423
- 118 The Boy King of Judah - p 426
- 119 Dagger in the Night - p 429
- 120 A Fishy Story - p 431
- 121 Four Prophets - p 436
- 122 A Burning Coal - p 437
- 123 Hezekiah's Healing - p 439
- 124 Insults and Prophecies - p 443
- 125 A Righteous King and a Reluctant Prophet - p 446
- 126 Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? - p 449
- 127 Unpopular Prophecies - p 451
- 128 Ezekiel's Exile - p 456
- 129 The Yoke's on Jeremiah - p 461
- 130 Jerusalem Falls! - p 466
- 131 Eat Your Vegetables - p 470
- 132 A Deadly Dream - p 473
- 133 Facing the Heat - p 476
- 134 The Four Beasts from Below - p 480
- 135 The Writing on the Wall - p 481
- 136 Lion Taming - p 484
- 137 A Pair of Queens - p 489
- 138 Persian Politics - p 494
- 139 If I Perish, I Perish - p 498
- 140 Who Will Be Hanged? - p 500
- 141 The Captives Return - p 506
- 142 Temple Troubles - p 509
- 143 Enter Ezra - p 512
- 144 Wall Warriors - p 513
- 145 The Final Prophet - p 516
- 146 Years of Waiting - p 516
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