Writing & Rhetoric Book 2: Narrative I
by Paul Kortepeter Author
(From Amazon): A Creative Approach to the Classical Progymnasmata - Think of the progymnasmata as a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric. What is an apprentice? It is a young person who is learning a skill from a master teacher. Our students will serve as apprentices to the great writers and great stories of history. Students are often expected to write with no clear model before them.Modern composition scolds traditional writing instruction as rote and unimaginative.It takes imitation to task for a lack of freedom and personal expression.And yet, effective communication from writer to reader always requires some sort of form and structure.Many of historys greatest writers learned by imitation.In other words, writing takes the same kind of determined study as ballet or diving.Creativity uses conventional form as a stage or a springboard from which to launch grand jetes and somersaults. Too often students are expected to tackle complex writing assignments without learning the necessary intermediate steps.The assumption is that because most everyone can speak English well enough to be understood, and form letters with a pencil, that everyone should be able to write well. Yet how many of us would expect a child to sit at a piano, without piano lessons, and play a concerto?Writing is never automatic. The Writing & Rhetoric series method employs fluent reading, careful listening, models for imitation, and progressive steps.It assumes that students learn best by reading excellent, whole-story examples of literature and by growing their skills through imitation. Each exercise is intended to impart a skill (or tool) that can be employed in all kinds of writing and speaking.The exercises are arranged from simple to more complex. Whats more, the exercises are cumulative, meaning that later exercises incorporate the skills acquired in preceding exercises.This series is a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric. Fable, the first book in the Writing & Rhetoric series, teaches students the practice of close reading and comprehension, summarizing a story aloud and in writing, and amplification of a story through description and dialogue.Students learn how to identify different kinds of stories;determine the beginning, middle, and end of stories;recognize point of view; and see analogous situations, among other essential tools. The Writing & Rhetoric series recovers a proven method of teaching writing, using fables to teach beginning writers the craft of writing well.This is the first in a series of twelve books that will train students over six years, starting in grades three or four and up. Narrative, the second book of twelve in the Writing & Rhetoric series, uses parable, myth, and other tales to continue the recovery of the proven method of teaching writing, using various forms of narrative to teach beginning writers the craft of writing well.This is the second in a series of twelve books that will train students over six years, starting in grades three or four and up. Classical Academic Press Educators will find all curricula by Classical Academic Press to be created with four important attributes. Each product is classical, creative, relevant, and easy to use. As our company name implies, you will find that we publish classical books and media, seeking to acquaint students with the best that has been thought and said. We also design and present our products with creativity and zest, from beautiful illustrations to engaging storytelling, ensuring that the classical subjects being taught are anything but boring. Areas we publish in include: -Latin -Ancient Greek -Logic -Bible, Old & New Testament -The Art Of Poetry -Spanish -Classical Education Resources
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781600512186
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 10
- Pages
- 160
- Suggested Grades
- 3rd - 4th
- Publisher
- Classical Academic Press
- Copyright
- 2013
- http://c
- 1 All Kinds of Stories
- 2 A Long Parable
- 3 A Short Parable
- 4 Main Idea--Parables
- 5 Dialogue--A Greek Myth
- 6 Description--Another Greek Myth
- 7 Combining Dialogue and Description, Part 1
- 8 Combining Dialogue and Description, Part 2
- 9 Conflict--The Middle of the Story
- 10 More a practice with Story Middles
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