
A Child's First Book of American History

by Earl Schenck Miers Author


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In Print
Beautiful Feet Books


  • 1 THEY NEVER TASTED DEW SO SWEET - Leif Ericson Finds Vineland, 1000 A.D.
  • 2 THE LIGHT - Columbus Discovers America, 1492
  • 3 THE TROUBLESOME CORPSE - The Quest for the Seven Cities, 1500-1542
  • 4 CRADLE OF OUR LIBERTIES - The Founding of Jamestown, 1607
  • 5 FREEDOM TO WORSHIP GOD - The Voyage of the Mayflower, 1620
  • 6 BLACK ROBE - Marquette and Joliet, 1693
  • 7 "A CLEAN-MADE PEOPLE" - How the Indians Lived, 1700
  • 8 "SHOOT UM DOWN ALL ONE PIGEON" - The Delawares Capture James Smith, 1755
  • 9 POOR RICHARD - Colonial America Produces a Genius, 1706-1790
  • 10 SOLDIER WASHINGTON - The French and Indian War, 1754-1763
  • 11 MOHAWK RAIDERS - The Boston Tea Party, 1773
  • 12 YANKEE DOODLE - The Coming of the Revolution, 1775
  • 13 "WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS" - Jefferson Writes the Declaration of Independence, 1776
  • 14 THE WINTER OF DESPAIR - Valley Forge, 1777-1778
  • 15 MARCH TO VINCENNES - The War in the West, 1779
  • 16 "THE WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOWN" - Victory at Yorktown, 1781
  • 17 "WE, THE PEOPLE" - We Adopt a Constitution, 1787-1788
  • 18 IN PEACE AS IN WAR - Washington is Inaugurated, 1789
  • 19 PIG IN A POKE - The Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1803-1806
  • 20 OLD HICKORY AND THE PIRATE - The Battle of New Orleans, 1815
  • 21 POISONED ARROWS AND GRIZZLY BEARS - Fur Trapping in the Old Southwest, 1820-1840
  • 22 DAME SCHOOLS AND BLAB SCHOOLS - American Education to the McGuffey Readers, 1836
  • 23 "REMEMBER THE ALAMO!" - Texas Fights for Independence, 1836
  • 24 MARK TWAIN'S MISSISSIPPI - The Boom Years of Steamboating, 18-11-1873
  • 25 BY THE NORTH STAR - The Underground Railroad, 1804-1860
  • 26 "LOWER AWAY!" - The Golden Years of Whaling, 1840-1860
  • 27 CHRISTMAS AT DONNER LAKE - The Settlement of California, 1846
  • 28 A WORD THAT BURNS LIKE FEVER - Gold Is Discovered in California, 1848
  • 29 PROVING GROUND - The War with Mexico, 1846-1848
  • 30 "THE TALL SUCKER" - Lincoln Debates with Douglas, 1858
  • 31 HOW THE NEWS REACHED NEVADA - Riding the Pony Express, 1860
  • 32 JOHNNY REB - The South Fires on Sumter, 1861
  • 33 THE SECRET OF THE OLD DESK - From Bull Run to Gettysburg, 1861-1863
  • 34 WHEN THE WORLD ENDED - Sherman's March to the Sea and the Surrender at Appomattox, 1865
  • 35 "OU! BUM! HAUGH!" - The First Game of Intercollegiate Football, 1869
  • 36 "THE BONES OF MEN AND ANIMALS" - Life on a Cattle Drive, 1867-1884
  • 37 THE GOLDEN SPIKE - East Joins West at Promontory Point, 1869
  • 38 PRAIRIE TRAGEDY - The Great Chicago Fire, 1871
  • 39 ONLY COMANCHE SURVIVED - Custer's Last Stand, 1876
  • 40 SIX EGGS - Booker T. Washingon Builds a School, 1881
  • 41 AMERICA ON WHEELS - The Automobile to the Model T, 1893-1908
  • 42 SMOKE IN THE HARBOR - The Spanish-American War, 1898
  • 43 "PLEASE DO NOT SHOOT THE UMPIRE" - Modern World Series Baseball Begins, 1903
  • 44 "WIZARD OF ELECTRICITY" - The Miracle Man of Menlo Park, 1847-1931
  • 45 "NAILS IN THE COFFIN OF THE KAISER" - The United States in World War I, 1917-1918
  • 46 TOMMY AND HIS CRYSTAL SET - America Discovers Radio, 1920-1930
  • 47 "WHICH WAY IS IRELAND?" - Lindbergh Flies to Paris, 1927
  • 48 "WAR IS CONTAGION" - Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor, 1941
  • 49 OPERATION OVERLORD - We Land on Normandy Beach, 1944
  • 50 THE LONE PLANE - Birth of Atomic Age, 1945

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