Signing Time Volume 5: ABC Signs DVD
(From Amazon): Alex, Leah, their frog Hopkins, and host Rachel Coleman teach the alphabet in American Sign Language. Created for ages 1-8 but enjoyed by all! Available only on DVD. Close-Captioned. Approximate run time: 30 minutes, plus special features. ABC Signs includes the following original songs, written by Rachel Coleman: Signing Time Theme A is for Alex and Alligator LMNO Lonely Letter X Special Features Sign Review - Learning the signs in "A is for Alex and Alligator" - Manual Alphabet - Name Signs. ASL Signs ASL signs taught in this DVD: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z. And if you pay close attention, you'll also see and learn these additional signs: Singing - Time - Dancing - Laughing - Playing - Favorite - Signing - Lots - Room - Everyone - Start - Today - Come - Meet - Find - Different - Share - Day - Alligator - Best Friend - Baseball Bat - Careful - Caterpillar - Diaper - Dance - Empty - Elevator - Funny - Fright - Good - Game - Great - Good Morning - Good Night - Hugs - Hello - How Are You - Ice - Important - Juice - Joke - Kid - King - Kiss - Laugh - Maybe - Mice - Nice - Now - Never - Owls - Party - Peanut Butter - Quiet - Queen - Run - Ready Right - Rachel - Sit - Sing - Tired - Story - Umbrella - Understand - Very - Visit - Vacation - Work - Wind - X-Ray - Yesterday - Zipper - Finished (done) - Many - Letters - Signs - Words - Little - Time - Numbers 1-10 - Know - More - One - Name - Not - Same - Each - Credit - Pay Attention - When - Said - Line - Fit - Our - Sounds - Benefits - Much - Better - Farther - Work - Little - Hard (difficult) - Again - Skill - Different - Still - Much - Fact - Alone (lonely) - Can't - Imagine - Next - Only - Need - Expert - Exactly - Where - Think - That - Who - Correct (right) - Yes - Praise - Wait - Fun - Learn - All - Proud - Sign Language - Count - Show - Ready - We - Love - I love you - Practice - Name - Deaf - Give.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- B00074OLR2
- Print Status
- In Print
- Publisher
- Two Little Hands Productions
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