Galen and the Gateway to Medicine (Living History Library)
by Jeanne Bendick Author
(From Amazon): Book Details:Format: PaperbackPublication Date: 11/1/2002Pages: 131Reading Level: Age 10 and Up
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781883937751
- Print Status
- In Print
- chapers
- 13
- Pages
- 131
- Suggested Grades
- 4th - 8th
- Geographical Setting
- Rome
- Publisher
- Bethlehem Books
- Copyright
- 2002
- 1 Intro and Who was Galen
- 2 Galen's world
- 3 Galen goes to school
- 4 Galen begins to study medicine
- 5 About hippocrates
- 6 Galesn travels
- 7 Alexandria
- 8 Galen and the Gladiators
- 9 Galen goes to rome
- 10 Dr Galens medicine
- 11 Galen s pharmacy
- 12 Galen serves the emporors
- 13 After Galen
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