The Mary Frances Garden Book [SCM]
by Jane Eayre Fryer Author
Also called "Adventures Among the Garden People," this book is one in a series of delightful handicraft and nature stories. As the Preface states, "That you, too, may learn to help things grow, and share the pleasure which Mary Frances and Billy, and their friends, Eleanor and Bob, had in making a garden, is the wish of The Author."
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1891656015
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 65
- Pages
- 382
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 6th
- Publisher
- Lacis Publications
- Copyright
- 1916
- Written
- 1916
- 1 Feather Flop, the Garden Boss
- 2 Feather Flop Oversleeps
- 3 Billy Plans the Garden
- 4 Feather Flop's Argument
- 5 Gardens for Little Folks
- 6 Gardens for Big Boys and Girls
- 7 Early Spring Garden
- 8 Early Summer Garden
- 9 Mid-Summer Garden
- 10 Autumn Garden
- 11 Some Favorite Annuals
- 12 Window Boxes
- 13 Billy Tests the Soil
- 14 How to Plant
- 15 The Outdoor Seed-Bed
- 16 Seed Babies and Their Nurses
- 17 Names of Parts of Flowers
- 18 Good Mrs. Bee
- 19 The Story of Fertilization
- 20 The Store of the Honey-Bee
- 21 How the Bees Work
- 22 The Children's Money-Making Plans
- 23 Mr. Hop Toad Hops In
- 24 Mr. Cutworm, the Villain
- 25 Birds as Plants' Friends
- 26 Little Ladybird
- 27 Curly Dock
- 28 The Stupid Honey Drops
- 29 Some Sprays for Garden Pests
- 30 Early Vegetables
- 31 Feather Flop's Temptation
- 32 Feather Flop Gets Angry
- 33 Father and Mother's Surprise
- 34 Feather Flop Makes Up
- 35 Roses
- 36 The Best Roses to Plant
- 37 The Wicked Rose Bugs
- 38 The Fairy Wood Nymphs
- 39 Good and Bad Weeds
- 40 Bouncing Bet and Her Friends
- 41 Buttercup and Daisy Families
- 42 Water Babies
- 43 How Plants Grow
- 44 A Wicked Innkeeper
- 45 Uninvited Guests
- 46 How Seed Babies Travel
- 47 Have a Seat on a Toad Stool
- 48 Some Ways to Rid of Weeds
- 49 Queen's Lace Trims Well
- 50 The Wild Flower Garden
- 51 Growing Perennials from Seed
- 52 The Money the Children Made
- 53 Mary Frances' Garden Party
- 54 Feather Flop's Conceit
- 55 Bob and Billy's Vacation
- 56 Daffodil and Other Bulbs
- 57 Billy Builds a Hotbed
- 58 Some Hints on Growing Vegetables
- 59 The City Garden
- 60 Garden Color-Pictures
- 61 Patterns for Paper Flowers
- 62 The Mary Frances Garden Cut-Outs
- 63 Little Gardeners' Calendar
- 64 Budding and Grafting
- 65 Prizes at the County Fair
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