Rod and Staff Working Arithmetic 2 (Workbooks 1-4)
by Rod and Staff Other
The listed lessons are for the four (total) workbooks associated with their Working Arithmetic 2 workbooks.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 170
- Suggested Grades
- 2nd - 2nd
- Publisher
- Rod and Staff
- Copyright
- 2020
- 1 Count to 50; "After" numbers; Whole and parts concept; Addition families 2-4
- 2 Count to 100; Largest number; Addition family 5; Missing numbers in Facts
- 3 Count 51 to 150; Addition family 6; Fractions 1/2, 1/3, 1/4
- 4 Count 101-200; Clocks: _:00
- 5 County 201-250; Mental math
- 6 "Before" numbers; Addition Family 7
- 7 Facts with +1; Place value-hundreds, tens, ones
- 8 Story problems; in all, together; Adding two digit numbers
- 9 Penny and cent sign
- 10 Subtraction families 2-4
- 11 Subtraction Family 5; Adding 2 digit numbers
- 12 Subtraction Family 6
- 13 Counting by 10s; Facts with -1; Story problems: left
- 14 Smallest number
- 15 Fractions 1/3, 2/3, Measuring inches, Subtraction Family 7; Subtracting 2 digits from 2 digits
- 16 Counting dimes
- 17 12 inches = 1 foot; Subtracting 1 digit from 2 digits
- 18 Counting dimes and pennies
- 19 Addition Family 8
- 20 Before and After by 10s
- 21 Dozen
- 22 Counting by 5s; Subtraction Family 8
- 23 Nickel; Subtracting Number Neighbors
- 24
- 25 Addition Family 9; Adding 3 digit numbers
- 26 Fractions 1/4, 2/4, 3/4
- 27 60 minutes = 1 hour; County by 5s and 1s; Counting nickels and pennies
- 28 Subtraction family 9 facts
- 29 Drawing hands on clocks; Adding 3 digits and 2 digits
- 30 Before and Afters by 5s; Story problems: both
- 31 Addition Family 10
- 32 Adding 2 to a number; Counting by 25s
- 33 Quarter
- 34 Subtraction family 10
- 35 Count by 25s and 1s; Subtracting 3 digit numbers
- 36 Subtracting 2; Counting quarters and pennies
- 37 30 minutes = 1/2 hour
- 38 Clocks: _:30; 3 digit minus 2 digits
- 39 Mixed Fractions
- 40 Counting by 2s; Adding money
- 41 [Start Workbook 2] (11) 9 2 triplet and facts
- 42 Addition: 3 Digit answers
- 43 Missing whole or part; Subtraction: 3 digit minuends
- 44 Before and After by 2s; Column addition
- 45
- 46 Fifths; (11) 8 3 triplet and facts
- 47
- 48
- 49 Missing Whole or Parts #2; Counting dimes and nickels; story problems: no key word
- 50
- 51 (11) 7 4 triplet and facts
- 52
- 53 Use of time
- 54 3 two-digit addends
- 55
- 56 Thermometers; (11) 6 5 triplet and facts
- 57 Sixths
- 58
- 59
- 60
- 61 Addition 11 facts in family order
- 62 Subtraction 11 facts in family order; Missing signs
- 63 (12) 9 3 triplet and facts; Clocks: _:15
- 64
- 65 Place value to thousands
- 66
- 67 Eighths
- 68 Story problems: column addition; (12) 8 4 triplet and facts; Addition with carrying to 10s place
- 69 Counting quarters and nickels
- 70 Number strings with 3 numbers
- 71
- 72 Story problems: still
- 73 (12) 7 5 triplet and facts
- 74 Tenths
- 75
- 76 Clocks: _:45
- 77
- 78 (12) 6 6 triplet and facts
- 79 Story problems: sum
- 80
- 81 Addition 12 facts in family order
- 82 Subtraction 12 facts in family order
- 83 [Start Workbook 3]. (13) 9 4 triplet and facts
- 84 Circle and square
- 85 Triangle
- 86 2/2 = 1 whole
- 87 Column addition with carrying
- 88 Rectangle
- 89
- 90 (13) 8 5 triplet and fact; 3/3 = 1 whole
- 91 Subtraction and borrowing
- 92
- 93 Reading calendars
- 94 Story problems: total
- 95
- 96 Rulers: adding inches
- 97 (13) 7 6 triplet and facts; 4/4= 1 whole
- 98 Adding and subtracting 10
- 99 Dollar sign and decimal point
- 100
- 101 Subtraction: How much more?
- 102 Story problems: How many more?
- 103 5/5 = 1 whole; Addition 13 facts in family order
- 104 Subtraction 13 facts in family order
- 105 (14) 9 5 triplet and facts; Drawing lines to specific inches
- 106 Number strings with 4 numbers
- 107
- 108 6/6 = 1 whole
- 109 Counting coins for the cost of an item
- 110 Clocks: _:05, _:10
- 111 Dividing numbers into halves
- 112 Story problems: 2 digit computation; (14) 8 6 triplet and facts
- 113 8/8 and 10/10 = 1 whole
- 114 Addition with carrying twice
- 115 Story problems with dollar signs
- 116 6 things = 1/2 dozeb
- 117 Story problems: 1 dozen and 1/2 dozen
- 118
- 119 (14) 7 7 triplet and facts; Coins that total more than $1.00
- 120 Story problems: difference
- 121
- 122 Addition 14 facts in family order; 2 cups = 1 pint
- 123 Subtraction 14 facts in family order
- 124 [Start Workbook 4] Measuring to a half inch; (15) 9 6 triplet and facts
- 125 7 days = 1 week
- 126 12 months = 1 year
- 127 2 pints = 1 quart
- 128 Clocks: _:20, _:25
- 129 Counting dollars and dimes; Even and odd numbers
- 130 (15) 8 7 triplet and facts; Story problems: How much less
- 131
- 132 Number strings with 5 numbers; 3 feet = 1 yard
- 133 4 digit sums
- 134 Counting dollars and nickels
- 135
- 136 4 quarts = 1 gallon
- 137 Addition 15 facts in Family order; Drawing lines to a half inch
- 138 Subtraction 15 facts in family order
- 139 Counting dollars and quarters; (16) 9 7 triplet and facts
- 140 Fractions that equal 1/2
- 141 Subtractions with 4 digit minuends
- 142 Place value to ten thousands; 3 digit subtraction with borrowing
- 143 Bar graph
- 144
- 145 Counting dollars and pennies
- 146 (16) 8 8 triplet and facts
- 147 16 ounces = 1 pound
- 148 Rounding to nearest ten
- 149 Addition and Subtraction 16 facts in family order
- 150 Rounding numbers ending in 5; (17) 9 8 triplet and facts
- 151
- 152
- 153
- 154 Line graphs
- 155
- 156 Addition and Subtraction 17 facts in family order
- 157 (18) 9 9 triplet and facts
- 158
- 159
- 160 Addition and Subtraction 18 facts in family order
- 161
- 162
- 163
- 164
- 165
- 166
- 167
- 168
- 169
- 170 [last lesson for Workbook 4]
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